Donald Trump – No unison support from yours


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): – Did you miss me? Trump said to cheers from the audience as he took the stage during CPAC’s conservative conference in Florida on Sunday an hour late.

For an hour and a half he spoke with enthusiastic fans.

He made it clear that he believes the Republican Party is united and rejected rumors of starting a new party. At the same time, he launched harsh attacks on fellow party members like Congressmen Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. He also repeated the lies that Joe Biden only won the presidential election in November as a result of widespread electoral fraud. At the same time, he made it clear that he plans to maintain control over the party and that it is possible that he will run again as a presidential candidate in 2024.

Reject the reputation of the party

Reject the reputation of the party

Only 68 percent

But even at the very conservative conference, where criticism of Trump was conspicuous by its absence, there was not unanimous support among the participants. In the unscientific survey of 1,000 participants on Sunday, 97 percent said they were happy with the job Trump did as president. But only 68 percent said they wanted him to run for president again.

When asked who participants would support if there were a GOP primary today, only 55 percent responded that they would vote for Trump.

SKIN BRAIN TRUMP: During Saturday’s hearing in the Supreme Court case, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear his thoughts on the assault on Capitol Hill and Donald Trump.
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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis received 21 percent, while South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem received four percent. If Trump is taken out of the question, 43 percent say they will vote for DeSantis, 8 percent for Noem, and seven percent for former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, respectively, The Hill reports. .

– Get rid of them!

In his speech, Trump tried to defuse the main internal dispute in the Republican Party over whether the party should remain Trump’s party. At the same time, he named the ten Republicans in the House of Representatives and the seven Republican senators who voted to put him on trial or convict him for inciting the January 6 attack on Congress. Trump believes that they should no longer have a role in the party.

– This is between a handful of career politicians in the establishment in Washington DC and everyone else across the country. Get rid of them all, Trump says, according to AP.


The “revenge raid” has begun

– Proud

– I am proud to be named among the heroes in Trump’s speech! says Kinzinger in Twitter after hanging up the speech.

On Sunday, it emerged that Kinzinger and others started a so-called Super PAC to raise funds to fight Trump.

Senator Bill Cassidy, who was among those who voted to convict Trump in the Supreme Court case, also cautions against continuing to follow Trump.

– In the last four years we have lost the House of Representatives, the Senate and the presidency, he says. CNN.

He believes Republicans should now start talking about the political issues that are important to Americans.

– And not just put a person on a pedestal and make a person our focal point. If we idolize a person, we will lose. And that follows from previous elections, says Cassidy.

BAD CONDITION: At a press conference on Thursday, February 11, Joe Biden rebuked Donald Trump’s job with vaccination. Video: AP
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– More catastrophic

Various media outlets also point to a number of inaccuracies and falsehoods in Trump’s speech, including CNN and the Washington Post.

Among other things, the previous president repeated several times that he actually won the November elections.

“As you know, they just lost the White House,” Trump said.

He also wasn’t kind to Biden’s efforts so far.

“Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history,” Trump said.
