Donald Trump: – Newspaper: This is the message of the return


This weekend it was announced that former US President Donald Trump will give his first speech since leaving the White House at a summit in Florida next Sunday.

A source informs the AFP news agency. CNN and the Axios news website also report on this.

The speech will be given at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, which is one of the largest annual conservative meetings in the United States.

– The future of the party

Races after defeat

Races after defeat

The future of the Republican Party is among the teams Trump will speak about at the summit, according to AFP and CNN.

As a result of Trump’s election fraud allegations, as well as the attack on the United States Congress on January 6, several key Republican leaders have turned their backs on Trump.

There is also a full-blown war of words between the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, and former President Donald Trump after McConnell reached out to the former president after the Supreme Court case.

SKIN BRAIN TRUMP: During Saturday’s hearing in the Supreme Court case, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear his thoughts on the assault on Capitol Hill and Donald Trump.
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McConnell did not want to convict his former president in the Supreme Court case, but delivered a devastating speech in which he believed it was proven beyond doubt that Donald Trump was “practically and morally responsible for provoking” the violent attack by the Trump supporters against Congress. January 6th.

Trump responded by referring to McConnell as a “boring, grumpy and grumpy political pamphlet.”

– I still decide

Defeat in court

Defeat in court

In addition to the future of the Republican Party, Trump is expected to speak about the conservative movement, as well as the immigration and border policy of US President Joe Biden, according to AFP and CNN.

The Axios news website now also cites anonymous sources, who claim they are Trump allies, that the speech will be a “mark of power.”

BAD CONDITION: At a press conference on Thursday, February 11, Joe Biden rebuked Donald Trump’s job with vaccination. Video: AP
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According to a longtime adviser the website has spoken with, Trump’s message in the speech will be that he “still decides.”

– I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I still decide that will be Trump’s message in the speech, according to the adviser quoted by the website.

– Candidate in 2024

In the speech, Trump will also say that he will be the “supposed” candidate of the Republicans during the 2024 elections, writes Axios.

Trump has not even commented on whether he will give a speech next Sunday, or what the content of the speech will be.

Neighbors cheer: - Stressful

Neighbors cheer: – Stressful

On the same day that President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden took the keys to the White House, former President Donald Trump and former First Lady Melania Trump went to their magnificent Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

The Trump couple have announced a permanent move to Florida, and this week, Trump advisers will meet with the president of the magnificent property to plan Trump’s next political move, according to the website.

– Plans for 2022

Like many other high-profile Americans before him, former US President Donald Trump moved to Florida to spend his retirement in the sunny state. Reporters: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Vegard Kvaale.
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There, Trump and his advisers are also expected to present a plan for the next midterm elections in the United States in 2022.

– Trump is the Republican Party. When you attack Trump, you are attacking the Republican bases, Trump adviser Jason Miller told the website.

Axios also writes that Trump’s advisers believe that the former president’s power over the Republican Party is greater than ever, and that advisers believe that no one will dare challenge Trump.

– Will settle

- Rumors rejected

– Rumors rejected

Dagbladet has also previously written about how Trump should have now prepared his revenge plans.

Politico cites three sources who say Trump will reach an agreement with his fellow party members who challenged him in the Supreme Court case.

It has been very quiet on the part of the former president since he left the White House more than a month ago.

INSERT: Donald Trump was not seen when Joe Biden took office. However, several famous faces appeared to celebrate the next president of the United States. Video / photo: AP / NTB.
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Trump has lost access to his social channels, and only a few times has his Florida office issued press releases on behalf of the former president.

Extremely hard attack

Monday night was one of the exceptions when Trump issued an irate press release after it became clear that the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his wish not to turn over his tax returns to the prosecution in New York.

To attack Biden: - Mentally gone

To attack Biden: – Mentally gone

In a statement posted on Twitter by Forbes reporter Andrew Solender, Trump responded strongly. Among other things, he described the investigation as “a continuation of the greatest political witch hunt in the history of our country.”

– Whether it’s the $ 32 million Mueller scam, which has already investigated everything it is possible to investigate, “Russia, Russia, Russia,” or the two ridiculous Supreme Court trials inspired by Gale-Nancy (Pelosi, note editor), where I was found NOT GUILTY. It never ends! wrote the former president.

Politico: Trump is preparing for revenge plans

Politico: Trump is preparing for revenge plans

It is not yet clear exactly why Trump is being investigated.

However, this is a comprehensive financial investigation of Trump and his companies, NTB writes.

According to The New York Times, court documents indicate that the alleged crimes were related to tax and insurance fraud.

THANKSGIVING: Here, Donald Trump speaks for the last time as President of the United States. Video: AP.
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Trump’s lawyers have called the petition “political harassment,” arguing that it had to be rejected as too long.

According to CNBC, the prosecutor is also investigating an alleged money laundering paid on behalf of the president to women who allegedly claimed to have been involved with him. Trump rejects these claims.
