Donald Trump, Joe Biden |


Joe Biden took a hard line against President Donald Trump in a speech Monday. Afterward, Trump mocked him.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen / NTB): Joe Biden condemns the violence during recent protests in the United States, but blames Donald Trump for the polarization he believes has triggered the violence.

“He doesn’t want to shine a light on problems, he wants to turn up the heat and he feeds on violence in our cities,” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said of President Donald Trump in his speech in Pittsburgh on Monday.

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– Trump has poisoned our democracy

At the same time, Biden took a hard line against those who have been violent, starting fires and looting during the demonstrations.

– It’s just illegal. And those who do should be prosecuted, he said.

– We must not set fire to things. We have to build, Biden said from the podium.

Biden also said that Trump “would do anything to stay in power.”

– Donald Trump has been a toxic presence in our nation for four years. It has poisoned the values ​​this nation has always cherished and poisoned our democracy, Biden said.

See the video of the statement here:

Claims that Trump has failed

The presidential candidate affirmed that a president must speak the truth, be sincere and lead, not raise the spirits.

Biden said Trump has failed in all of these areas in connection with the demonstrations that have devastated America since George Floyd died in Minneapolis in late May.

Trump has criticized Biden repeatedly as of late, to which Biden responded in Monday’s speech.

– Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist who is weak to people who riot? But instead he is the one who seeks chaos and violence and tries to scare America, Biden said.

More noise after shooting

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, there have been large demonstrations this weekend after police shot African-American Jacob Blake and seriously wounded him. Two protesters were shot dead during the demonstrations and there was also extensive looting.

A Trump supporter was shot during a rally in Portland, Oregon, prompting Trump on Twitter to accuse Biden of not distancing himself from the rioters.

– I distance myself from all violence, whether from the left or the right, Biden said in a statement last week.

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Will travel more

With the speech in Pittsburgh, Biden enters a new stage in the election campaign where he will travel more than he has done so far.

In the past, Biden has spent a lot of time promoting the message that Trump has handled the crown crisis irresponsibly. Recently, however, it has begun to expand, with the goal of convincing Americans that the United States will be more insecure if Trump turns four new years.

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Liberty University Falwell FILE - In this Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 file photo, Jerry Falwell Jr., right, answers a student's question, accompanied by his wife, Becki, during a town hall meeting on the opioid crisis in a convocation in Liberty.  University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  On August 7, 2020, Falwell resigned, at least temporarily, as president of the school.

Trumps declared at the Republican National Convention last week that he is the only option for voters who want “law and order.”

Biden also touched on how the Obama administration, when he was vice president himself, got the economy back on track after the 2009 economic crash. He also strongly opposed Republican accusations that it was putting jobs in the energy sector at risk.

“I will not ban fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump juggles me,” he said.

Here you can see the full speech to Biden:

Trump mocks Biden

President Donald Trump also brought the speech to Biden, and it doesn’t come unexpectedly with criticism of his opponent.

– I looked at what Biden had to say. And it seems to me that you owe more to the police than to the rebels, anarchists, agitators and looters, whom you can never blame, otherwise you would lose Bernie’s radical left support! writes Trump.

Trump has also shared a video of Biden’s speech, in which the former vice president rotates a bit with the words.
