– Donald Trump is a scared bully who is cornered


Noted CNN host Anderson Cooper is reaching out to President Donald Trump after the Washington Post published the phone conversation between Trump and Georgia’s top election official, Republican Brad Raffensperger.

– This country is in a dark and dangerous place right now, Cooper says in a longer monologue on CNN (see the full clip below in the case).

In the conversation, Trump tries to pressure Raffensperger to “find” more votes for Trump after the presidential election.

– Listens. All I want is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state, Trump tells Raffensperger in the much-discussed phone conversation.

Also read: Listen to the audio clip: Trump wanted to pressure Georgia’s election officials to “find” votes

– The self-control of a fridge magnet

– The president of the United States, through a recorded telephone conversation, has been revealed for having tried to steal the elections. At the same time, there are Republican lawmakers covering it, launching their own uprising, trying to invalidate the votes of tens of millions of Americans, Cooper said.

(The case continues during the video)

Cooper notes that Raffensperger allegedly did not intend to release the recording unless he was attacked by Trump or if Trump misrepresented the phone conversation.

– And guess what happened. Since the president has the self-control of a fridge magnet, he attacked Raffensperger and then the tape came out. Is this the big retailer? Is this the creator of big problems? Is this “The Art of the Deal”? This is a scared bully who is pushed into a corner, which he is desperately trying to get out of, says Cooper.

Cooper gives the following description of Raffensperger’s attempt to explain to Trump that he is wrong.

– It’s like talking to a child.

(See the full clip here. The case continues below the video)

Congress will meet on January 6 to confirm Biden’s election victory. Ted Cruz and 10 other Republican senators have declared that they will vote against the electoral delegates of some states, unless Congress appoints a commission to carry out an urgent review of the election results, writes NTB.

Anderson Cooper notes that the ten surviving former defense ministers in the United States, two of whom were appointed by Trump, have publicly warned defense leaders not to engage in any form of political action that undermines the election outcome.

– The fact that they see that a warning of this type is necessary is a clear message in itself, says Cooper.

Also read: Trump’s electoral campaign could affect the battle in Georgia

Dead race in Georgia Senate elections

Georgia is at the center of the event during the day. This week is the second round of state elections in the state. On Wednesday morning, there is almost a deadlock, but the two Democratic candidates have lagged behind when 97 percent of the vote has been counted.

With a victory in both elections in Georgia, Democrats will win the narrowest possible majority in the Senate. National attention and use of money in the election campaign has therefore been much greater this time than is usual in these types of settlements, NTB writes.

Election personnel record, classify, and verify signatures on early votes. Photo: Curtis Compton / Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP / NTB

At the beginning of the count, there was hardly any democratic leadership, but a few hours later the situation was reversed. However, overnight, Democrats lagged behind as more votes came in from predominantly Democratic counties.

(The case continues during the video)

Georgia, the whole nation is watching you. Power is literally in your hands, Biden said at an election rally in Atlanta on Monday.

Also read: Trump and Biden’s last words to voters in Georgia

– Repeated accusations of electoral fraud

“The stakes are high in this election,” outgoing President Donald Trump said when he attended an election campaign meeting in the Georgia town of Dalton on Monday.

The president dedicated a large part of his speech to complaining about the result of the presidential elections in November. Once again, he repeated the undocumented allegations of electoral fraud and accusations and that it was actually he who won the elections.

Donald Trump tried to pressure Georgia's top election official, Republican Brad Raffensperger, to

President Donald Trump was greeted by a jubilant crowd as he took the stage in Georgia on Monday night. Photo: Evan Vucci / AP / NTB

“Biden will not be allowed to take over the White House,” Trump shouted to a jubilant crowd, despite the presidential election being decided long ago.

Also read: Trump attacked by his former communications chief: – He has weakened, sick and impoverished the United States

Democratic counties

According to the head of the state electoral system, Republican Gabriel Sterling, it seems that most of the ballots that have not yet been counted are from DeKalb County, which mostly tends to vote democratically. The county is part of the Atlanta suburbs and has more than 700,000 residents.

With 97 percent of the votes counted, the New York Times gives both Democrats a 95 percent chance of winning, as the remaining votes come from Democratic-dominated constituencies.

Warnock has already delivered a speech that the New York Times interprets as a victory speech, in which he thanks the voters in Georgia and promises that he will work for everyone, whether they voted for him or Loeffler, writes NTB.

However, Republicans seem to lose hope, as the premises where the victory party was planned have started to empty.

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