Donald Trump – – Irresponsible and dangerous


On Friday, during an election rally in Waterford Township, Michigan, US President Donald Trump made critical comments against doctors treating COVID-19 patients. He writes, among others, The New York Times.

The president noted that patients at risk, with other fatal diseases, can be reported as corona deaths if they become infected before dying.

– Our doctors earn more if someone dies from covid. You know this right? I mean, our doctors are very smart people. So what they say, sorry, but everyone dies from covid, Trump said from the stage.

Trump Victory: - Stupid Theories

Trump Victory: – Stupid Theories

Also, it apparently suggested that doctors may have a financial interest in over-reporting COVID-19 deaths.

– In Germany, and elsewhere, if you have a heart attack, have cancer, or have a fatal disease and get covid, they say that you died of cancer or heart attack. With us: “When in doubt, choose covid!” That’s $ 2,000 more, he further stated.

Donald Trump canceled a scheduled election rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Thursday.
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The statements quickly drew attention. Health reporter Jessica Glenza at The Guardian is among those who react.

– Donald Trump has made, once again, false accusations that the US over-counts deaths from covid-19. The reality is that the country probably does not report, he writes.

- If you win these, you win the elections.

– If you win these, you win the elections.

Medical organizations are furious

Trump has recently made similar remarks during election rallies in Wisconsin and New Hampshire.

NBC News and Forbes write that several medical associations have already responded to the allegations.

On October 25, the American Medical Association (AMA) issued a statement regarding his Twitter side. AMA is the largest association of physicians and medical students in the United States.

– Let’s be clear: doctors do not over-report deaths from covid-19, writes the organization, referring to “incorrect information about how patients are counted.”

SHELVING: The electoral campaign is coming to an end and on social networks Trump surprises with this video. Video: AP / Donald J. Trump
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The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), an association of American emergency physicians, also responded:

“On behalf of the nation’s emergency physicians, ACEP is appalled by Trump’s false and unjustifiable allegations that doctors are overreporting deaths from COVID-19,” they wrote in a response on its website.

They received support from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), who wrote the following in Twitter.

– Science is science and data is data. Doctors have no reason to manufacture covid. 19th century. Many have died from the virus. It is irresponsible and dangerous to suggest that doctors, including gynecologists, have done more than bravely fight this pandemic, they write.

Woman stabbed in Elverum - man arrested

Woman stabbed in Elverum – man arrested

Creepy lies

Forbes regular health commentator Bruce Y. Lee is critical as well, referring to previous reports that various physicians are instead experiencing pay cuts as a result of the pandemic.

– Perhaps Trump is mistaking doctors for the nation’s 644 billionaires, who have seen a total increase in their net worth of a trillion dollars since March, according to new figures. Meanwhile, the salaries of many doctors have gone down and down.

MANGEMILLIONAIRE: Donald Trump was known primarily as an entrepreneur before he became the 45th president of the United States. Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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Vanity Fair commentator Bess Levin also strongly criticizes the statement. Under the headline “Donald Trump, colossal jerk, claims doctors earn more if people die of covid-19,” he harshly criticized the statement.

– It’s quite typical for Trump to come up with creepy lies about healthcare professionals, but he has nothing to say about doctors who have worked hard for the past seven months, often without proper protective equipment, and risked their lives life or no help from federal authorities, he thundered.
