Donald Trump Investigation – So the tax documents:


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): On Sunday afternoon local time, Trump takes the stage during CPAC’s conservative conference in Orlando, Florida. His goal is to preserve control of the Republican Party. But at the same time, he is involved in many legal matters. Among them is an extensive forensic investigation in New York.

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered Trump to turn over his tax returns and other financial documents from 2011 to 2019 to investigators, led by Attorney General Cy Vance. It includes millions of pages of documents, which are now being examined.

I had to file tax returns on the day

I had to file tax returns on the day

– I think Trump is very afraid of what is in these documents. Because it puts you in serious legal danger, Bloomberg commentator Tim O’Brien told MSNBC.

SKIN BRAIN TRUMP: During Saturday’s hearing in the Supreme Court case, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear his thoughts on the assault on Capitol Hill and Donald Trump.
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Charged for 42.5 billion

Currently, the public knows very little about what the investigation includes, but in a court document, the prosecution says they are investigating “possible extensive and long-term criminal conduct” in the Trump organization.

In 2005, O’Brien wrote the biography “Trump Nation: The Art of Being Donald.” At the time, he was a reporter for the New York Times. In the book, he claimed that Trump was not a dollar billionaire. According to O’Brien, the incoming president and then real estate mogul had a fortune of between $ 150 million and $ 250 million.


The “revenge raid” has begun

This led Trump to sue and demand compensation of $ 5 billion (about 42.5 billion crowns).

Trump did not win, but during the process, which lasted until 2011, O’Brien gained access to Trump’s tax documents. Therefore, he is one of the few journalists who has seen them.

INVESTIGATOR: Manhattan State Attorney Cy Vance is investigating the Trump organization.  Photo: AP Photo / Frank Franklin II, File

INVESTIGATOR: Manhattan State Attorney Cy Vance is investigating the Trump organization. Photo: AP Photo / Frank Franklin II, File
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Now O’Brien believes that people within the Trump organization, especially its accountant, Allen Weisselberg, will turn away from Trump and begin cooperating with investigators.

- Strange results and lack of logic

– Strange results and lack of logic

I think the counter turns

– What we really need to focus on now is that it’s not just the tax returns that Cy Vance has access to now. You probably have a great deal of accountant work. This is a forensic investigation where they must prove the criminal intent of Trump, his three oldest sons, Allen Weisselberg, or anyone else from the Trump organization who is under investigation, O’Brien says, continuing:

SACADO: Donald Trump with his son Donald junior and his accountant, Allen Weisselberg (center).  Photo: Timothy A. CLARY / AFP

ELABORATED: Donald Trump with his son Donald junior and his accountant, Allen Weisselberg (center). Photo: Timothy A. CLARY / AFP
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– If there is an email or notes or other documentation on communication about how they planned when they inflated the value of the buildings to be able to obtain a loan, or how they underestimated the value of the buildings to be able to pay less taxes, from before the tax returns , then gold for a prosecutor, says O’Brien.

He believes that it is extremely important that investigators now receive documents since 2011.

Rape charges can end in court

Rape charges can end in court

– Obscene dance

– It’s important because it’s before Trump entered the White House, and I think it helps build the history of the money trail and Trump’s motivations for his obscene and destructive dance with people like Vladimir Putin. It’s a shame they couldn’t go back even further, O’Brien told MSNBC.

As many other high-profile Americans have done before him, former US President Donald Trump moved to Florida to spend his retirement in the sunny state. Reporters: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Vegard Kvaale.
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It highlights that the research so far also involves the children Eric and Ivanka.

– The investigation is also targeting individuals within the Trump organization, who may walk away from Trump if it is revealed that they themselves may be criminally liable. One of the prizes here too is that if Trump is convicted, he won’t be able to run for president again. And that weighs heavily on the whole case too, says the Bloomberg commentator.

Towards Giuliani: - He objectified me

Towards Giuliani: – He objectified me

Anterior fixator interrogated

Recently, Trump’s longtime advisor and attorney, Michael Cohen, has also been questioned as part of the investigation, according to the New York Daily News.

He will have in-depth knowledge of Trump’s activities and is currently serving a three-year sentence under house arrest. Among other things, Cohen was convicted of helping Trump pay a lot of money to two women, including porn star Stormy Daniels, before the 2016 presidential election. The two women are said to have had extramarital affairs with Trump.

Questioned former convicted Trump attorney

Questioned former convicted Trump attorney

Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to charges of paying bribes and lying to Congress about negotiations over a possible Trump Tower in Moscow. At the same time, he signed an agreement with the prosecution to cooperate with them and protect himself from further prosecutions.

– Political persecution

Trump denies doing anything illegal, claiming he has been the subject of political persecution.

Whether it’s the $ 32 million Mueller scam, which has already done its best to investigate, “Russia, Russia, Russia,” or the two ridiculous Supreme Court trials inspired by Gale-Nancy (Pelosi, editor’s note ), where they found me NOT GUILTY. It never ends! the former president writes in a statement earlier this week

Neighbors cheer: - Stressful

Neighbors cheer: – Stressful

In addition, he writes that the prosecution in New York for more than two years has gone through all the transactions that can be linked to him.

– The Supreme Court should never have allowed this fishing expedition to take place, but it has. This has never happened to a president before. It is completely inspired by the Democrats, in the democratically governed city and state of New York, completely controlled and dominated by a man often referred to as my enemy, Governor Andrew Cuomo.

FINALIZED: Donald Trump’s 4 years as president are coming to an end. These are some of the moments that made the news. Do you have a favorite? Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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