Donald Trump, coronavirus | Donald Trump’s doctor: he’s asymptomatic


Donald Trump himself writes that he feels “FANTASTIC”, and his doctor reports that the president has no symptoms.

The case is being updated!

On Tuesday, Donald Trump wrote on his own Twitter account that he feels so healthy after receiving treatment for the coronavirus.

Also read: Trump’s breath makes speculation boil

– Cold symptom

According to the president’s doctor, he now has no symptoms either, reports the AFP news agency.

On Monday, Trump was transferred back to the White House and on Tuesday he chose to remove his face while greeting the press.

Now there is great tension over whether the president is ready to run for the next debate. He goes a long way himself by signing up for that.

– I look forward to the debate on Tuesday night, October 15, in Miami. It will be great, write on Twitter, among other things.

Trump received treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland. There he received both normal follow-up and some experimental treatments.

In all, the president is said to have received an injection of the steroid Dexamethasone, two types of monoclonal drugs that are supposed to reduce the amount of virus in his blood, and was treated with the anti-Ebola drug Remdesivir. That at some point he must have received oxygen at some point.

This video of Trump’s breathing caused many to speculate on the president’s health:

Blocked from social media

Both Facebook and Twitter have cracked down on messages from Trump claiming that seasonal flu is more deadly than covid-19.

While Facebook has removed the message, Twitter has flagged the same message as misleading and has made sure that users cannot share it. However, on both platforms, the message ran for hours before the two companies reacted, CNBC reports.

Twitter justifies the decision with the fact that the publication of the US president violates the rules of social networks against disinformation about covid-19. Facebook also has similar rules against misinformation about the pandemic.

This is the message that is now blocked on social media:

Flu season is on its way! Each year, many people die from the flu, sometimes more than 100,000, despite the vaccine. Are we going to close our country? No, we have learned to live with it, just as we have learned to live with the covid, which in most populations is much less deadly !!! ».

So far, 7.45 million people have been infected with the coronavirus in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins University, while at least 210,195 people have died after becoming infected.

The deadliest flu season on record since 2010 in the United States was in 2017-2018. An estimated 61,000 people died from the flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Also read: Trump surprises in new video tonight: – Do not let this dominate you
