Donald Trump – Calling Local Poll Workers


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Trump’s attorneys have left behind a series of failed attempts to challenge the election results in court since Trump lost the presidential election on Nov. 3 against Democratic candidate Joe Biden. So far, there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud, which Trump and his attorneys claim has occurred.

So much chaos it can create

So much chaos it can create

On Tuesday night, Trump himself called two local Republican election officials Monica Palmer and William Hartmann in Wayne County, Michigan, which includes Detroit. The next day, they announced that they would withdraw their decision to approve the election result.

OCCUPIED: There are many signs that the time leading up to January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden will assume the presidency, will be anything but quiet. Donald Trump is making big changes. Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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– threats

– I received a phone call from President Trump Tuesday night after the meeting. He wanted to verify that he was safe after hearing about threats and doxing (journaln.anm. Personal information posting) that had taken place, Palmer told the Washington Post.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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Some staff members surrounding Trump have hoped that by delaying the approval of the election results, Republican-led state assemblies may have a chance to elect voters who support Trump and thus ensure that he wins. However, most of his advisers describe this plan as a fever dream, writes AP.

- As if I was in jail

– As if I was in jail

Michigan is one of the auspicious states that Trump won in 2016 but lost this year.

The US president’s call to local elected representatives in Michigan came after a multi-hour meeting Tuesday with the four local election officials to approve the outcome of the local elections. At the meeting, the two Democrats voted first to approve the result, while the two Republicans voted against. After harsh criticism and an intense meeting, the two Republicans turned around and approved the result. But after Trump’s phone call, they again tried to withdraw approval.

– Touching

Palmer estimates that the conversation with Trump lasted two minutes.

– I was concerned for my safety and it was really moving. He’s a very busy guy and I appreciate that he’s concerned for my safety, says Palmer.

When asked about the disputed vote count, Palmer responds:

– It’s hard for me to describe it. There was a lot of adrenaline and stress. There were general comments on different statuses, but we didn’t really discuss the details of the certification. There was no pressure. It was a real concern for my safety.

IT CAN BE CHAOS: President Donald Trump lost this year’s election campaign to challenger Joe Biden. But how much chaos can he create before he has to leave the White House on January 20, 2021? VIDEO: AP
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– Upside down

Jonathan Kinlock, a Democrat and vice chairman of the election committee, told the Washington Post that it was too late to change the certification now that it was sent to state authorities in accordance with the rules.

– Do you understand how they make us look? We have a fantastic and important role in the democratic process, and they are turning it upside down, says Kinlock.

A spokesperson for the Michigan State Department confirms that there is no legal way for the two local Republicans to withdraw their votes, the Detroit Free Press reports.
