Donald Trump: – Answer after the match referees


The United States is experiencing one of its worst periods during the pandemic, and as recently as this week, another pitiful record was set with 2,879 deaths in one day.

Several of the country’s infection control experts have warned that the pandemic is “at a very dangerous point” and called on Americans to be very careful around Christmas.

For this reason, President Donald Trump was criticized when it was learned that the White House has invited up to 20 companies this Christmas. This is despite the fact that the State Department administration has recommended to employees that all events that are not “absolutely necessary for them to do their job” be held digitally, according to the Washington Post.

- A medical miracle

– A medical miracle

– Speechless

– I am speechless. An indoor event like this is dangerous on many levels, Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity Research at the prestigious Columbia University in New York, told the Washington Post earlier this month.

Susan Glasser, a writer for the New York Times, has also criticized the Christmas holidays.

“Welcome to the late phase of Trump: defiant decline (decline or decline, editor’s note) with a life-threatening advantage,” he wrote about the parties according to the newspaper.

DECORATIONS: America’s First Lady Melania Trump displays Christmas decorations at the White House. Video: The White House
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Earlier this month, the Washington Post had received the invitation to a party on December 15 called “diplomacy at home during the holidays.” Two anonymous people who work with the planning of the event, told the newspaper that around 900 people were invited to this company.

On Wednesday this week, Trump held a gathering for around 200 guests in connection with the annual Hanukkah celebration, according to The Guardian.

According to the newspaper, photos and videos posted on social media showed that most of the guests wore face masks, but that people were nearby when President Trump spoke with those present.

– Many people wear masks

Vaccine stain

Vaccine stains

Now President Donald Trump himself is defending the holidays for the first time.

A reporter asked the president this week if such gatherings were responsible in the midst of a pandemic. According to The Guardian, Trump responded that the rallies could be held responsibly.

A reporter asked Trump:

– Across the street he has held Christmas parties with hundreds of people. Many who do not wear a mask. Why are you showing different behavior to the American people than your health experts recommend?

TRIUMPH: President Donald Trump delivered a new speech. Video: The White House
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– Well, it is a Christmas table and honestly, we have reduced the number very significantly, as you know. And I see a lot of people at parties wear masks. I mean I look at the guests at these parties and a lot of people wear masks, and I think that’s good, Trump responded.

– You can celebrate the Christmas holidays

The Secretary of Health of the United States, Alex Azar, is among those who have attended the Christmas parties this year. The Health Minister told CNN he “felt comfortable” and “safe” at the party, stating that “most people wore masks and worked to keep their distance”:

Killing: - Super spreader

Killing: – Super spreader

Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also came out earlier this month and defended the decision to host the holiday season.

– Can you loot shops, set buildings on fire or participate in demonstrations? You can also go to Christmas parties. You can celebrate the holidays and you can do it responsibly, McEnany said, according to NBC News.

Stephanie Grisham, who is Melania Trump’s chief of staff, has also stated that they will carry out both Christmas and Hanukkah in the safest possible way.

– Infected participation after the party

SATISFIED: Donald Trump gave a short speech Tuesday night to express his enthusiasm. Video: AP
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Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump and several people in their circle have been infected with the coronavirus in recent months. Last Tuesday, Trump’s attorney, Jenna Ellis, tested positive for COVID-19.

The infection became known Tuesday night, after Ellis was present at a party at the White House Friday night in which he did not wear a mask, according to two Trump administration officials.

The director of Columbia University, who was critical of Trump’s Christmas parties, also warned that the holidays could be like the event in Rosehagen, which in October was identified as a possible source of the outbreak in Trump’s circle.

Rage Against the Sick Rudy: - Death Threat

Rage Against the Sick Rudy: – Death Threat

– A super spreader event

“This has all the necessary elements to repeat what we saw in the Rose Garden of the White House after the ceremony of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett,” Lipkin said.

Infection Control Manager Anthony Fauci described the event as a super spread event.

Fear that Trump will cost them the election

Fear that Trump will cost them the election

– I think the numbers speak for themselves. We had a high-profile event at the White House. And it was in a situation where people were very close together and didn’t wear masks, he said then.

Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was also infected after several Trump lawyers went on a “voter fraud tour” as part of the president’s attempt to reverse the election result.
