Donald Trump: – – 100 million doses before the end of the year


– It’s covid, covid, covid. You won’t hear anything about it on Nov. 4, because we’re about to turn that corner, President Trump told those present, as a stab at his opponent Joe Biden’s approach to the pandemic, USA Today writes.

A new US record was set on Friday in terms of the number of people infected over the course of a day, and as of Saturday, 83,000 new cases of infection ensured that the record was broken after 24 hours.

– We will have 100 million doses of vaccines before the end of the year, and the elderly will be first in line, Trump claimed in front of his audience at The Villages, an area composed mainly of retirees.

President Donald Trump made new promises about the corona vaccine during last night's voter rally in Florida.  - It is not credible to anyone but those who already trust everything you say, says American expert Jan Arild Snoen.  Photo: John Raoux / AP / NTB

President Donald Trump made new promises about the corona vaccine during last night’s voter rally in Florida. – It is not credible to anyone but those who already trust everything you say, says American expert Jan Arild Snoen. Photo: John Raoux / AP / NTB
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– We take care of our elders, under my plan. The plan provides incredible life-saving treatment. The deal is incredible, he continued.

In September, the president estimated that up to 200 million doses would be available by 2020.

Trump publishes controversial interview

Trump publishes controversial interview

– Not reliable

For Trump, attention has long been focused on communicating that a corona vaccine will be ready before the presidential election on November 3. However, in the wake of the first presidential debate of the election campaign in late September, two of the drug giants working to develop a vaccine in the United States, Moderna and Pfizer, issued a counter-notification, stating that a vaccine would not be available. list until then.

TRUMPS MUR ?: Not quite. This is the Trump scam. Video: Emilie Rydning and Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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American Minerva writer, author and expert Jan Arild Snoen tells Dagbladet that both Trump’s infection control expert Anthony Fauci and other government agencies have long said that a corona vaccine may not be ready to go. elections, and have pointed to the first quarter of 2021 as a possible moment. . Recently, Trump has also changed his mind.

– It is not because he prefers it, but because it is simply not credible that a vaccine is ready for elections in ten days. That’s why he’s now put it off until after the election, says Snoen, who believes Trump is now holding on to what he can of “good news” regarding handling the pandemic.

– Exactly what is the realism in this, you cannot ask Trump. It should not be trusted. It is not credible to anyone but those who already trust everything it says.

AT LEAST RACIST: President Donald Trump believes he is the least racist in the room. Video: AP
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– Possible

Steinar Madsen, chief medical officer and chief medical officer at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, tells Dagbladet that it is difficult to assess the veracity of Trump’s recent claims about vaccines.

– It is not so easy to tell how many doses the United States has obtained. What Trump says may be correct, because US drug companies working on making a vaccine have already started production and are increasing scale, Madsen says.

- This is the same guy who said the pandemic would end before Easter.

– This is the same guy who said the pandemic would end before Easter.

Over the past week, both Pfizer and Moderna have announced that they expect to receive emergency approval for the US market during November and December, respectively.

However, new guidelines from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) state that the follow-up period for test patients must be at least two months.

– Production capacity is being increased, so that the US can have 100 million doses before the end of the year. But only time will tell if that’s correct.

– Are Americans in the best position in the vaccine race?

– Americans have invested huge sums in the production of vaccines and have acquired rights to various vaccines. But like I said, it is difficult to comment. Trump has said a lot about vaccines, so you just have to wait.

FEW DAYS AWAY: The November 3 US election is approaching and Trump is now on the run. Here from Friday’s voter rally in Florida. Photo: Mandel Ngan / AFP / NTB
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– At the beginning of January

In Europe today, there are two vaccines that are leading the way and that are being investigated by European pharmaceutical authorities, Madsen explains.

The vaccines he refers to are the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is being developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford, and the Pfizer vaccine, which is being developed together with the German company BioNTech.

– They are the two that have gone the furthest, and where a homologation procedure has been started. The United States has not yet implemented such a procedure, but the Americans are prepared to do so as soon as possible.

It is still uncertain when any vaccine will be approved for the European market.

– Probably not before January, predicts Madsen.
