Domestic violence, violence in close relationships


West Police District Police had to handle multiple reports of domestic violence the night before Christmas Day. The other police districts of the country have not had a similar night.

NTB-Snorre Schjønberg: – We started duty at 23. And after that he went into one with several such cases, says operations director Knut Dahl-Michelsen in the West a Bergens Tidende police district.

During the night, three children called the police and announced that they had witnessed violence and intoxication in the home. At least nine times the police had to respond to reports of domestic violence in the Bergen area.

– It’s sad. I think it is surprising that there were so many such cases the night before Christmas Day, says Dahl-Michelsen.

Three people are now incarcerated as a result of domestic violence cases on Christmas night. Police note that they are also following up on several of the other cases.

Violence against a police officer in Oslo

NTB has been in contact with all the other police districts. Neither of them have had a Christmas night marked by many cases of domestic violence, as was the case in the West Police District.

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In Oslo, the police have been investigating 13 cases related to domestic violence from 1 p.m. on Christmas Eve to 9 a.m. on the first day of Christmas. Arrests have been made in two of the cases.

– One of the cases that ended with arrest was a case of domestic violence where the son beat the father. The other was a report of a fight in a private home, and it ended with a case of violence against a public official. When the police arrived on the scene, one person became aggressive towards the police patrol, operations manager Gjermund Stokkli in the Oslo police district tells NTB.

No police officers were injured in the case.

– Overall, it has been a quiet Christmas Eve and a night until the first day of Christmas for Oslo and Asker and Bærum, says the operations manager.

– There is no Christmas peace in every home.

In Møre og Romsdal, four cases of domestic violence were reported from 6pm on Christmas Eve and the night before Christmas Day.

– There is someone who has been arrested, but has been transferred to the health and admitted to a psychiatric ward. The others can end with a few curfews. There is no Christmas peace in every home. The recurring theme in the cases is that people have been beaten and run away from home and asked for help, operations manager Arild Reite in the Møre og Romsdal police district tells NTB.

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– Four of those cases are four too many, but there may also be dark numbers. There is a high threshold for more people to call the police on Christmas Eve, says the operations manager.

In Nordland, there have been some cases, NTB is reported. A person is in custody for a domestic violence case.

In the Troms police district, the police report that there have been a few cases, but not more than normal, while the same is the case in the Finnmark police district.

Two detainees in Agder

Police from the Sørvest and Trøndelag police district say they have received no reports of domestic violence on Christmas night. Neither did the police from the southeast or the interior.

The Agder police district warns of a case of domestic violence on Christmas Eve, and a new night until the first day of Christmas. In both cases, a person has been detained and will be questioned on Friday.

In the eastern police district there have not been many reports of domestic violence either, only riots in private homes that have been resolved with orders to the parties to remain calm.


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