Dog owners in shock after police reveal:


This summer, Moy Kleffegården (62) in Trøndelag started a fight to get the dog Raska (9) back.

Seven years ago, he had to sell the two-year-old dog for health reasons. The person to whom you sold the dog, would later deeply regret having trusted.

Police: – Historically significant case of dog sexual abuse revealed

The Raska dog is one of at least 24 dogs that police say have been killed by two men so that other people could rape the dogs. The abuse of the dogs has been filmed and distributed, according to police.

TV 2 can now tell the story of two of the dogs that are part of what the police describe as a case of very serious animal abuse.

– It was an incomparable shock. I never thought I would have been so surprised. This is a case that one cannot believe to be true. Macabre, that’s the word that comes to mind, Kleffergården tells TV 2.

– It is a miracle that the dog is well, continues.

Exposed to human abuse

Through a network, two men from Haugesund and Trøndelag, respectively, have traveled across the country to make the dogs available so that other people can rape them, according to police.

Do you have any advice in this case? Contact TV 2 here

– We have not seen a similar case in Norway. There have been a few isolated cases of animal abuse, but it is not as big a case as this in Norway, Christine Kleppa, a prosecutor in the southwestern police district, told TV 2.

There are a total of ten defendants in the case. According to the police, several of them have participated in the serious abuses against at least 24 dogs. They have also produced or been in possession of a large number of videos and photos of the abuses, according to police.

IMPRESSION: The seriousness and scope of the case has impressed Christine Kleppa, a police attorney in the Southwest Police District.

IMPRESSION: The seriousness and scope of the case has impressed Christine Kleppa, a police attorney in the Southwest Police District Photo: Gunnar Ringen Johansen / TV 2

The main suspect in Trøndelag admits criminal guilt after the charge, TV 2 is informed by the man’s defender, Erlend Nilsen.

Advocate for the main suspect in Haugesund, Sverre Hatland, tells TV 2 that his client does not want to comment on the case or the question of criminal guilt.

– Called day and night

Through friends in the dog community he’s a part of, Kleffergården learned that his old dog, Raska, was part of the grim case.

After hearing the news, there was only one thing the 62-year-old thought about.

– I called day and night for the dog to come back to me. Luckily I got it back at the end of July and it’s fine now. I can’t imagine what he’s been through, says Kleffergården.

Now that the dog is back with her, she’s back to a seemingly good life, she continues.

– It’s a shame for the dog, but he doesn’t understand our thoughts. It is clear that he is happy to be free, because he follows us all the time, he says.

CLOSING: Despite the dark history, Raska and Kleffergården have a good relationship.

CLOSING: Despite the dark history, Raska and Kleffergården have a good relationship. Photo: Stein Roar Leite / TV 2

Kleffergården, who herself raised dogs some time ago, decided after the incident that she will never give a dog away again.

– It’s special to get a dog like that back. I refuse to sell dogs again. I trusted that person and no one can believe such a thing was possible. I don’t dare give any dog ​​to anyone else, he says.

KNOWN: Moy Kleffergården in Trøndelag cannot believe that anyone could perform such actions.

KNOWN: Moy Kleffergården in Trøndelag cannot believe that anyone could perform such actions. Photo: Stein Roar Leite / TV 2

Burst into tears

A similar story happened in Sørlandet. Earlier this summer, “Lene” got his dog back, which he sold a few years ago. Like Kleffergården, “Lene” also sold a dog to one of the main defendants.

“Lene” is afraid that one of the defendants will contact her and, therefore, does not want to reveal her real name.

“Lene” knows who the defendants are and they have had good contact before the case became known. After the news of the arrests reached, the questions have become many and unanswered.

– I started crying right away. It’s absolutely gruesome, explains a clearly marked ‘Lene’.

Finally, images came to mind of how her dog had been subjected to something so cruel.

– To abuse a dog, violence must have been used for this to happen. That’s why I started to cry, because I had so many images in my head about how these people have dealt with dogs, says “Lene”.

Eight dead dogs

Many of the dogs in the case still have injuries after the abuse. A total of eight dogs have been killed after the case became known, police reported to TV 2.

Both “Lene” and Moy Kleffegården confirm that they saw physical injuries to the dogs after the abuse.

The dog recovered well, but still has obvious physical injuries, says Food’s mother.

– Against all odds, the form was fine, but we see how he got physically injured, says Kleffergården.

Extensive network

For the police, the case has been special. Never before have they had such a complete case of sexual intercourse with animals.

Police believe they have discovered a larger network, which also extends beyond Norway’s borders. The police have contacted Denmark and Germany, who have confirmed that they are launching an investigation.

– We have electronic proof that the Haugesund man has had contacts abroad. A German and a Dane obtained abuse material from the self-produced dogs, says Kleppa.

The case is under investigation and the police are in the final stages of the investigation.


That so many people have been involved in the abuse case scares dog owners.

– You have the feeling that there may be someone out there who continues. I’m afraid there are more people who have gone unnoticed. Who are the others? asks «Lene».

Although you’ve done everything you can to make the dog feel good afterward, you’ve struggled with a bad feeling.

– I have left with guilt towards the dog. I just went and cried about what had happened when the news came, he says.
