Does she normalize different bodies?


Influencers Kaja Seim Vorren (23), Nicoline Devik (22) and Kristine Lillebakken (25) have announced the beta-carotene pill ‘Tancare’ from Lab Pharma and have been submitted by the Professional Influencers Marketing Committee (Fim).

Fim believes that the general impression on their profiles creates body pressure. See some of the Instagram photos below:

SUNBROUND: Fim has evaluated both the advertising images and the overall impression on the profiles. Photo: Instagram

Dressed in the ad – field anyway

Fim writes that the general assessment of Nicoline Devik’s social media profile means that the ad is not acceptable.

– The evaluation especially emphasizes that Devik’s profile appears very naked and centered on the body. When the influencer has a profile so focused on the body, it is not enough to avoid the body pressure and appearance that the specific image in the campaign is with clothes, says in the decision to Fim.

Devik, who has more than 62,000 followers on Instagram, tells Good Evening Norway that he reacts to the verdict.

DRESSES: Both Vorren and Devik were dressed in the beta carotene pills in the photos.  Fim still believes, after conducting a comprehensive assessment of their profiles, that they create body pressure.  Devik deleted the image immediately when Fim said it could create body pressure.

DRESSES: Both Vorren and Devik were dressed in the beta carotene pills in the photos. Fim still believes, after conducting a comprehensive assessment of their profiles, that they create body pressure. Devik deleted the image immediately when Fim said it could create body pressure. Photo: Instagram

– I think the way it is configured with who can promote what is very wrong. We work fairly all the time, and then attacking people because they choose to confront “body positivity” is completely wrong. If it’s going to be illegal to promote things, it should include everyone if the rules are to be set first.

– You should not use the word “body pressure”.

She points out that she complained to five influential people for marketing the same product, but Fim has evaluated which of them generates body pressure. Thus, two influencers were “acquitted”.

– I find it difficult to decide if I create body pressure, but I hope I can lead a healthy lifestyle full of exercise and healthy options. I think we should be much more open about the body and the different bodies.

Devik says he has a back condition called “scoliosis.” This causes a bias in the column.

– I learned to like my body, even with two big scoliosis. This is something that I also tell my followers regularly to normalize different bodies, which is why I post a little more body than many others. So I don’t think we should use the word body pressure. Of course, it is very sad if someone feels like I am creating body pressure, but I hope most people see the bigger picture.

Posing natural

The 22-year-old says she will not stop creating such content, but will be more critical of various collaborations in the future.

Kaja Seim Vorren (23) and Kristine Lillebakken (25) have been lined up, like Devik.

Vorren says he thinks it’s good. Fim takes body pressure seriously.

– I can agree that I show a lot of skin on my Instagram, but I don’t use these photos to advertise things. I have not promoted the tancare product with an image that had a lot of focus on the body. He was wearing clothes that covered like a sweater and pants, he says Goodnight Norway, and continues:

– To promote beta-carotene, which should give a good tan, you have to show a little skin to show the effect of the product. This was something they also told me when they asked me to try the product. So for future announcements, endorsements, and in general on my Instagram, I will be more aware of this and make sure it does not occur in a way that can create body pressure.

Without answer

NATURAL: Lillebakken says, among other things, that he does not pose unnaturally and that he has not retouched the image.

NATURAL: Lillebakken says, among other things, that he does not pose unnaturally and that he has not retouched the image. Photo: Instagram

Lillebakken did not answer our questions, but defended itself in a letter to Fim. There he writes that he is aware that there is a lot of body in his profile. She still believes that it shows a healthy and well-trained body, and that one should be proud of oneself regardless of body shape.

“The purpose of the collaboration in relation to Tancare was in no way intended in the way it was interpreted and I apologize for that. It shows skin and body, but in a healthy and natural way. Without unnatural poses, neither retouched nor altered », it says in the letter.

Lab Pharma does not wish to comment on this.
