Doctors: there are many signs that Trump is sicker than he would like to express


* US President Donald Trump announced on Twitter Friday that he and his wife Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19.

* The president was admitted to Walter Reed Hospital outside of Washington that same day.

* Receive a five-day treatment with the coronary drug Remdesivir, as well as an experimental antibody mixture called REGN-COV2. The latter was developed by Regeneron and is not formally approved.

* Dexamethasone is also treated with steroids, which are usually given to very sick patients and can be harmful to those with mild symptoms.

* According to doctors, he has had two drops in oxygen levels, but has not experienced breathing problems. Trump has also taken zinc, vitamin D, aspirin, famotidine, and melatonin.

* He has sent multiple video greetings and taken a little car ride since he was admitted.

* Trump is 74 years old and overweight, which means an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

* After a medical check-up in 2019, the president’s doctor, Sean Conley, said Trump was in “very good health.” However, it was observed that his weight had increased to 110 kilos, which is defined as obesity in a person of his height. Trump is 1.90 tall.

* Doctors have previously advised the President to lose weight. He does not smoke or drink alcohol.
