Doctors’ strike is over – the government intervened with a forced salary board – E24


On Sunday, the government intervened in the conflict between KS and the Norwegian Medical Association with a mandatory salary board. The medical strike has ended like this.

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Henrik Asheim (H) and the government have intervened with forced mediation in the medical strike.

Terje Pedersen / NTB


The 23 doctors who were taken out on strike will resume work on Monday and morning and will return to normal.

The strike was scheduled to intensify on Monday, and twelve new doctors in six municipalities were due to strike. But it won’t.

In a report, the Norwegian Health Board has assessed the situation in the conflict between the Norwegian Medical Association and KS so that there is danger to life and health when escalation is implemented.


The meeting between the parties and the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs was brief. The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Henrik Asheim (H), presented the statement of the Norwegian Board of Health and asked the parties what could be done.

Stopping a legal labor dispute is interference in what is actually the responsibility of the parties.

– But the Norwegian Medical Association is responsible for the withdrawals they have made, and then we have no choice but to turn to a mandatory salary board based on the recommendation of the Norwegian Board of Health, he tells NTB.

The government indicates that in one of the affected municipalities, two out of three doctors went on strike in total. The municipality was denied a dispensation. On Monday, the third doctor would be absent and the municipality would be left without doctors. It is not known to which municipality it applies.

Leader Marit Hermansen of the Norwegian Medical Association believes that the decision on a mandatory salary board shows how fragile the organization of the emergency care plan is in much of the country.

Berit Roald / NTB

Less than a week

The mediation was broken on October 15 and the first strike went into effect on October 26. There has been no contact between the parties after the infraction in the Ombudsman.

Doctors are demanding that the workload of GPs working on outpatient plans be reduced.

Monday’s recall was to include municipalities in districts with a heavy load of emergency rooms. Hasvik Municipality was exempted by the Norwegian Medical Association from the recall as there are only two doctors permanently employed, and if one goes on strike it would affect the entire ER plan.

Previously, 23 doctors from Bergen, Tromsø, Narvik, Stavanger and Trondheim went on strike.

The last time there was a doctors strike was in 2016. It ended with a forced wage meeting after five weeks of the strike. This time the strike ended before a week had passed.

Medical Association: KS Undermines

– During this strike, we have removed very few doctors. This shows how fragile the emergency room is organized in many places in the country, says President Marit Hermansen of the Norwegian Medical Association in a press release.

Hermansen believes they have had a cautious withdrawal with very few doctors. The fact that the strike has now stopped clearly shows how little is needed before emergency preparedness in municipalities is affected, according to the Norwegian Medical Association.

The employees’ side, KS, is relieved that the strike is over. They consider that the consequences that the strike would have for small municipalities with long travel distances show that it is urgent to find more durable solutions to the problems of the emergency room.

– We understand the impatience of the Norwegian Medical Association, but we wish they had chosen to dedicate this time to accelerating the continuous work of finding solutions for the emergency room, together with us and the national authorities, says the director of working life Tor Arne Gangsø in KS.

Tor Arne Gangsø, director of working life at KS, is relieved that the doctors’ strike is over.

Vidar Ruud / NTB

No decision crown

The situation of the crown has not influenced the intervention of the government and has not been part of the evaluation on its part, according to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.

– We have only complied with professional advice from the Norwegian Board of Health, says Asheim. The council is in danger of death and health due to the shortage of personnel in the small municipalities.

But KS director Gangsø is happy that the strike has ended as a result of the added strain the crown situation has on the health service.

– It goes without saying that dealing with a medical strike in the midst of a pandemic with rising infection rates is difficult. The municipal management in these municipalities has simply feared for the lives and health of the inhabitants, Gangsø says.

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