Doctor denies Trump had a stroke – VG


PRESIDENT: Donald Trump during Tuesday’s visit to Kenosha. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

WHITE PLAINS (VG) Despite the fact that no serious media has reported that it has happened, Donald Trump’s doctor came out on Tuesday and denied that the president had a stroke in the past year.

“President Donald J. Trump has asked me, Dr. Sean Conley, the president’s physician, to respond to recent public comments on his health.”

This is how the president’s doctor begins a statement that he sent on Tuesday. In addition, he writes that he can confirm that President Trump has not had or been screened for strokes, mini-strokes, or other similar diagnoses. He also writes that these are accusations made in the media.

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“The President is still in good health and I am not concerned about his ability to keep up with the busy schedule ahead of him. As I wrote in my previous report, I hope he is still healthy to carry out the President’s duties,” concludes Conley with the release.

According to CNN, no serious US media has reported on the allegations that the doctor now denies are true, before the president on Twitter earlier that day – before the doctor’s statement – himself denied that they had happened.

‘It never stops. Now they are trying to say that their favorite president, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center after taking a series of mini-blows. It never happened to THIS candidate, ”Trump writes, among other things.

However, accusations that Trump has been hit by a series of mini-punches have been made on Twitter by author Don Winslow, Reuters reports. He wrote on August 1 that multiple sources in the Trump administration had told him this.

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What is an indisputable fact, however, is that the president was transported to Walter Reed Hospital outside of Washington, DC on a Saturday in November last year, without this being announced in advance.

However, it has never been clear why he was taken to hospital. The White House announced at the time that it was a “quick exam,” which was part of their annual medical exam. This is despite the fact that it normally occurs at a different time of the year.

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CNN also reported that the visit did not follow the normal routines surrounding a routine president’s visit to a hospital.

In a book by New York Times journalist Michael S. Schmidt coming out these days, the author writes that Vice President Mike Pence was told to be ready to temporarily assume the presidency in connection with the hospital visit, in case of that the president was put under anesthesia. .

However, he does not write anything about what failed Trump. In other words, no serious media has done anything about the hospital visit of just over two hours.

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