Disease, Health | Man died after licorice overdose


He collapsed in a restaurant and died the next day.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): A 54-year-old man from Massachusetts, USA, died after eating too much licorice. The New England Journal of Medicine writes that the 54-year-old man died last year of sudden cardiac arrest, which was linked to excessive licorice intake.

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For several weeks before the man’s death, he is said to have eaten about a bag and a half of licorice a day, writes the New York Post.

Licorice contains the sweet substance glycyrrhizin, which can cause heart problems. According to NHI.no, too much licorice can lead to high blood pressure and upset the body’s potassium balance.

“Even a little licorice can increase blood pressure,” Dr. Neel Butala, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told the New England Journal of Medicine.

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The New York Post writes that the 54-year-old man died the day after collapsing inside a fast food restaurant in Massachusetts. Doctors who examined the man found that he was dangerously low in potassium, leading to abnormal heart rhythms and other problems. Boston.com writes that this was an extreme case.

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The Food and Drug Administration now warns that eating around 55 grams of black licorice a day for two weeks can lead to irregular heartbeats.

I ate too much friend of the fisherman

The National Association for Heart and Lung Diseases also warns that large amounts of licorice can cause high blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders.

Among other things, they mention a case mentioned in a medical journal in which a 66-year-old man had high blood pressure, alterations in the acid-base balance and inexplicably low levels of potassium in the blood due to an excessive intake of the throat lozenge containing Fisherman’s Friend licorice. According to LHL, all values ​​returned to normal when she stopped eating the pills.

LHL also refers to a case from Sweden where a woman (44) who had eaten 40-70 grams of licorice candy every day for four months was finally admitted with significant heart rhythm disturbances and low potassium levels. She says that admission to Umeå University Hospital can only be explained by her licensesice intake.

According to LHL, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening also mentioned a similar incident from 2002 with a woman (19) who had eaten a lot of licorice. She ate about 200 grams a day and was eventually hospitalized due to very high blood pressure and low potassium levels.
