Different information on entrance tests is confusing – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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Foreigners traveling to Norway from an area with a lot of crown must, as a rule, present a certificate proving that they are not infected with the virus.

If they don’t have documentation, they run the risk of being rejected.

According to the covid -19 regulation, it is a requirement that the test must «take the last 72 hours before arrival in Norway ».

The intention is for the crown event to be as recent as possible and not more than three days before the visitor lands on Norwegian soil.

NRK has spoken to several people who say it is confusing that what is written on experts and government websites is not the same:

  • On Helsenoreg.no, which is made by the Norwegian Health Directorate, it says that the test must be performed by us prior to 72 hours before entry
  • The National Institute of Public Health writes that the test should be done below 72 hours before entry
  • The government says the test should be done No later more than 72 hours before arrival in Norway

The English version on the government pages says “The test must have been carried out no later than 72 hours before arrival in Norway.”

Government Pages on Covid-19 Testing

Screenshot of the government pages on the covid-19 test before arriving in Norway. NRK has highlighted the relevant area in the text in blue.

Photo: screenshot

– It means the opposite

English teacher Kristin Bech reacts to the English writing. She thinks that the text on the government pages is clearly different from what is stated in the covid-19 regulations themselves.

– The Norwegian text means that the test can be done 72 hours, 50 hours or 24 hours before arrival in Norway. The point is that the test must be recent. The English text means that the test must be taken no later than 72 hours before arrival, and that 50 hours or 24 hours before arrival is too late. So it means the opposite, that the test must not be entirely new, says Bech.

Kristin bech

– YOU MAY MISTAKE: English teacher Kristin Bech believes that those who read the English text on the government website may get confused and risk making mistakes when traveling to Norway.

Photo: Moment Studio

She believes that confusion has arisen in the turnover “at the latest”. In the city he would have said: “not before.”

– This can certainly be misinterpreted.

– If you don’t know Norwegian, but only read the English text, then of course you will be confused and maybe wrong about the rules, because there are actually different things there.

According to the language teacher, the error should be corrected as soon as possible. He thinks that the government authorities should also write clearly, and preferably give a clear example.

– It shows how important such small formulations are in such guidelines and that they can have important consequences for people.

FHI changes the website

According to the Norwegian Health Directorate, there is no significant difference between “below” and “within” 72 hours.

«Both our formulation and FHI’s is an attempt to explain what’s in this … that is, to meet the requirements of the regulations the test must be taken within 72 hours prior to entry.»Write to the lawyers of the Norwegian Health Directorate by email at NRK.

The National Institute of Public Health writes to NRK that they will change their website, so the wording in this with 72 hours will follow what is in the regulations.

From the pages of the National Institute of Public Health

The National Institute of Public Health changes after NRK contacted the page about when the test should be done, so that it follows the wording of the covid-19 regulations more clearly. It says the test must be done “within the last 72 hours.”

Photo: screenshot

Health Minister Bent Høie (H) was unaware that the information on the ministry’s website was different from the websites of professional authorities when contacted by NRK, but emphasizes that the rule is clear.

– Those who do not stay in Norway must have a negative covid-19 test with no more than 72 hours.

Some have thought it would have been better to test people upon entry to ensure as recent a test as possible, but according to Høie, this is not relevant now.

– We look at the test strategy, but, for example, the advice of the Norwegian Health Directorate is that there is a special value in this test that must be done in advance. Both because it reduces the risk of contagion during travel, it also reduces the number of travelers arriving in Norway.
