– Destroy for the rest of us – VG


CLOSED: Bent Stiansen has had to close the Michelin restaurant Statholdergaarden in Oslo due to the corona pandemic. Photography: Janne Møller-Hansen, VG

“Not understanding” and “poor eyesight”. Veterans of the industry are not kind after the Gamla case, which ended with a major outbreak.

“It piss me off,” writes star chef Bent Stiansen on Facebook and links to VG’s case about the Oslo nightclub party Gamla kvelden before a bar was introduced in Oslo.

VG has posted a video showing that people danced closely and enthusiastically. So far, 35 people who were in Gamla tonight have been diagnosed with corona infection. In addition, a close contact of these has become infected.

– Here restaurants are turned upside down to make it as good and correct as possible, then there are some that ruin the rest of us. It disappoints me, and I actually get a little angry, Stiansen tells VG.

He has run Statholdergaarden in Oslo since 1994, but now the Michelin restaurant is closed as a result of the corona pandemic.

– We had to fire and close, and this also applies to many others. It is an uncertain moment that we face. Is irresponsible. It is a requirement that they have guards to monitor their guests and that everyone abides by the rules. We all take one for the team, and then we hope you’ll take your share of the work, he says.

Watch the video: here he is partying at the Oslo nightclub:

The comments of the municipality

Business Councilor Victoria Marie Evensen (Labor Party) called on Wednesday that the Oslo Municipality Business Agency consider a police report from Gamla. Now it will happen.

– I can confirm that the municipality of Oslo will report the matter to the police. The review will be submitted by the Business Administration, writes Halvard Hølleland, city clerk for communication with VG, on Thursday afternoon.

Bent Stiansen says he understands the actions of the city council and city council leader Raymond Johansen.

– I understand well that Raymond closed Oslo, this was what terrified him. Then it goes beyond a lot of other serious players who play by the rules, where people eat a quiet dinner at their tables. I think that the municipality should consider differentiating the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the future, to apply it in pubs, bars and discos, and allow serious restaurants to be allowed. If not more than eleven at night. We will be able to live by the rules we had, but rather close the ones you know, break them, and you know who he is, he says.

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Atop the pub infection outbreak in Oslo: – It shouldn’t have happened

– Not solidarity

The owner of the restaurant, Jan Vardøen, is also very upset by what happened.

– He’s just incredibly unsympathetic. The industry has been good and has followed all the rules, and then comes this that goes beyond everyone.

– Bad control and bad eyesight. It is boring and very thoughtless.

NOT SATISFIED: Jan Vardøen is upset about the Gamla case and fears it will affect the entire industry. Photo: Heiko Junge, NTB

Vardøen says the rules are clear and everyone who works in the industry knows these rules. There are no excuses.

In the Oslo city rules that have been in place since September 22, all restaurants were encouraged to have an overview of the names of everyone who has been there, to make it easier to detect infections.

Business Councilor Victoria Marie Evensen (Labor Party) described what happened in Gamla as unacceptable on Wednesday, while Health Minister Bent Høie told the government press conference that this should not happen.

General manager Rune Johansen in Gamla received criticism from Vardøen and Stiansen, and responds as follows:

– We do not want to have a discussion through the media, not even with good colleagues from the industry who were not present that night.

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