Denmark tightens after increased infection – VG


The Danes are introducing new restrictions nationwide after the rise in infection across the country.

This was stated by the country’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, at a press conference.

In the last 24 hours, 454 new cases of infection have been registered in Denmark.

From evening to Saturday, all of Denmark will appear in red on the Norway travel map. The Danish government is now introducing new measures.

– Corona has once again taken over our society. We are in a dire situation, says Frederiksen.

It highlights that Denmark is not in the same situation as when the country closed on March 11.

Strict measures

A series of measures will be implemented that will apply until October 4.

Schools and educational institutions are open as usual, but bars, cafes and restaurants across the country had to close at 10 pm There will be a nationwide ban on gatherings of more than 50 people. The limit for the number of spectators in football matches is reduced to 500.

The government recommends that everyone make use of home offices to the maximum extent possible. It is also recommended to limit the number of people who meet. Fredriksen doesn’t want to quantify how many, but encourages the use of common sense.

CLOSING: Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen in a restaurant on May 18. Photo: Henning Bagger / Ritzau Scanpix

– It will lead to frustration and I fully understand it. But what we do now, we also do for the good of the economy, says Fredriksen.

It comes at the same time with a warning to the population.

– I constantly hear many people say that the corona is not dangerous, that the virus only hits hard if you are older or vulnerable, it is not like that. There are many indications that young people can also have late effects of Covid-19 that can become serious, says Fredriksen.

Iceland is also introducing measures

Iceland also decided on Friday to introduce stricter measures to limit the infection. This weekend, from 18 to 21 September, the bars and nightclubs in the capital and its surroundings must be closed. It is in these areas that most new cases of infection are found. The imposed closure does not apply to cafes and restaurants, writes Iceland Monitor.

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