Denmark: – closed – restrictions until March


After a sharp rise in infection, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen held a press conference on Monday on the crown situation in the country.

– The pressure of infection in Denmark is too high. The increase we’ve seen is worrying, says Frederiksen.

In the last seven days, more than 12,000 new cases of contagion have been registered, and on Monday the record of contagion was broken again, with more than 2,000 new cases.

– The situation is so serious that we have raised it to level 4 out of 5 in severity, says Frederiksen, very overwhelmed.

– I know very well that today’s message will be discouraging for many. The next few months are cold and harsh, and now there will be even more restrictions.

That's why things are going badly in Denmark

That’s why things are going badly in Denmark

38 municipalities

In Denmark, a partial closure of 38 Danish municipalities will be introduced as of Wednesday, as a result of the serious situation.

– We are now in a very serious place in the pandemic. I will say it briefly. The infection is too high and the situation is worrying. Therefore, we will take steps to get rid of the infection, especially since there is little time left until Christmas. Christmas is of great importance to us Danes, he says.

– Christmas is above all a message to take care of each other, and this year it is even more important than before. We have the desire to celebrate Christmas with those we love, but it will be a different Christmas. If the infection is too high when we enter Christmas, we run the risk of the infection going wild after Christmas.

The ban on gathering a maximum of ten people will also apply during Christmas.

– It is crucial how many of us get together, says the Prime Minister.

Until February 28

In addition, he says that the authorities’ assessment is that January and February can be very tough months in this pandemic. Therefore, the current restrictions, which include a ban on meetings and the number of people who must attend for a week, are extended until February 28.

However, the already strict restrictions are not enough in many Danish municipalities, says the Prime Minister.

– There are a total of 38 municipalities where the infection is so high that we have to close more. Therefore, we will carry out a partial closure from Wednesday to January 3.

The following restrictions apply as of Wednesday:

  • Students in 5th grade and up are sent home and must have digital instruction.
  • Daycare children and younger schoolchildren can attend as usual.
  • Restaurants, bars and cafes will be closed, but can serve take away food.
  • Pools and gyms are closed.
  • Theaters and cinemas close
  • Public workplaces must send their employees home, if employees do not have critical social functions.
  • Indoor sports are closed. This does not apply to professional sports.
Turns off

Turns off

– Saving lives

Frederiksen says the measures will affect a lot of people.

– But you must not doubt that it is useful, says Frederiksen.

– I want to ask each and every one of you to make a special effort in the coming times. Especially we who live in one of these 38 municipalities. By staying home, instead of going out, you are helping more Danes to celebrate the new year without getting infected, he says, adding:

– You are also helping to save lives in our country.


The Danish National Institute of Public Health, SSI, sent a note to the government on Friday, recommending new restrictions to get rid of the infection. According to SSI, Denmark will have 4,000 new daily cases of infection before Christmas if development continues like today, Ekstra Bladet writes.

In the last 24 hours, 2,046 infected people have been registered in Denmark, says Health Minister Magnus Heunicke.

– If we do nothing now, we will be in a situation that will allow the epidemic to exceed the peak we had in April / March.

328 people are hospitalized.

– We expect 400 hospitalized during the next week, says the Minister of Health.

He also says that the country’s nursing home has been badly affected.

In a nursing home, 48 residents and 43 employees are infected with coronavirus, he says.

GRAY: Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has been on tour in Jutland in recent days. On Thursday he visited a mink farm. Then he took the opportunity to apologize, writes the Danish newspaper BT. Video: BT
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Expand testing capacity

Due to the serious infection situation in Denmark, they will also dramatically expand testing capacity and hope to be able to test 100,000 people daily on Christmas Eve.

– I know very well that there are many who do not tolerate this here, but the epidemic continues. It has the power to bring down the health service, he warns, and at the same time remembers that there is light at the end of the tunnel regarding vaccines.

The director of health authorities, Søren Brostrøm, says the epidemic in Denmark is now developing strongly and rapidly.

– Unfortunately, we now also see that the infection is spreading to the elderly and nursing homes.

– Precisely because a large part of the population is affected, a wide range of measures is necessary. Both with a focus on work and where people can meet, Brostrøm says.
