Democrats are furious after Trump’s victory


Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris is furious after President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was approved by the Senate last night.

Today, Republicans denied the will of the American people by upholding a Supreme Court ruling through an illegitimate process. All in their efforts to destroy the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and eliminate healthcare for millions of pre-existing conditions.

– We won’t forget it, he concludes.

SUPREME COURT: President Donald Trump speaks before Amy Coney Barrett is sworn in in front of the White House. Photo: AP / NTB
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Harris is not alone. Top Democrat Nancy Pelosi says the approval of Coney Barrett is an act committed in “desperation” by President Trump and Republicans.

“So that they can achieve their long-standing campaign to destroy American health care,” he said in a statement.

She urges Americans to be heard by voting in next week’s presidential election.

“The president is destroying health services for millions of families amid a pandemic that has infected more than 8.6 million and nearly killed a quarter of a million Americans,” Pelosi said.

The fact that Coney Barrett has been approved and sworn in means the conservative wing will be able to dominate the court for many years, which could have consequences for women’s right to abortion, same-sex marriage and health care reform of former President Barack Obama.

DEMOCRATES: Head of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Photo: REUTERS / NTB
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– The manipulation of the President’s Supreme Court threatens the values ​​and rights that define and distinguish our nation: the constitutional right of a woman to make her own medical decisions, the rights of LGBT Americans, the right of workers to organize and negotiating fair wages, the future of our planet and the protection of the environment, the right to vote and the right of every American to have a voice in our democracy, Pelosi said in the statement.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, profiled and leaning to the left, who sits in the House of Representatives, assumes Twitter Advocate for the expansion of the Supreme Court. The democrat too Pete Buttigieg.

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accuses Republicans of pushing for the approval of a Supreme Court judge who “will help them take care of the health of Americans in the midst of a pandemic.”

– For them, this is victory. Vote them writes Clinton.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls the vote illegitimate and “the last gasp of a desperate party,” writes the AP news agency.

Coney Barrett was expected to be approved by the Senate, since Republicans are in the majority. The vote ended 52 to 48. Only one Republican voted against Coney Barrett as the new Supreme Court Justice.

“He may win this vote, but never in his life will he regain his credibility,” Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said before the vote.

Dagbladet follows the case and is continually updated.
