Declared municipal director: – Almost incredible


Due to the high infection rates in Trondheim, crisis management met in the municipality on Thursday morning.

– The background is the high infection rates we have in Trondheim. We set a new record again with today’s infection rates. So we found out that we had to have a new meeting in crisis management where we discussed possible future measures, municipal director Morten Wolden tells TV 2.

SMS: Trondheim residents received this message on Thursday.

SMS: Trondheim residents received this message on Thursday. Photo: TV 2

On Christmas Eve, an SMS was sent to the residents of the municipality, with a reminder to follow the infection control rules.

The presidency in Trondheim has been summoned to a meeting on Friday at 12 and on Saturday morning.

– Today there are no immediate measures other than asking people to be careful again, he says.

Wolden notes that a lot of attention has been paid to nightlife in relation to the infection, despite the municipality experiencing that the nightlife industry has behaved in an orderly manner throughout the crown period.

CLEAR MESSAGE: City Manager Morten Wolden is concerned about the growing infection in Trondheim.  Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB

CLEAR MESSAGE: City Manager Morten Wolden is concerned about the growing infection in Trondheim. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB Photo: Ole Martin Wold

– But we are very concerned about what is happening now in the private sphere through Christmas. If they get together at big Christmas parties and the like, there’s a great risk that it will not only spread the infection in Trondheim, but in many cities in Norway, he says.

Goes out to parties

On Wednesday, the municipality said that tracking the infection has revealed that in some environments there are “a lot of parties” with many social contacts.

– It’s almost unbelievable that such things can happen, but we are going to crack down on that, says the municipal director.

He says that the police are connected and that such matters will be thoroughly investigated.

– So I warn everyone who has thoughts of participating in a tough private party in the pandemic we are in now, he says.

Considering measures

The measures that are now being considered in the municipality are to reduce the time of dumping or dumping stops, and to tighten around gyms, climbing halls, playgrounds and similar places.

– But now it is important for people to be careful and to do physical activity outdoors. Now it has snowed in Trøndelag too, so it can be nice to take a trip, he says.

Despite the fact that we are in the middle of Christmas, the testing capacity in the municipality is at its peak. There are fewer people testing themselves these days, but this Wolden emphasizes that this is not surprising considering the vacation we’re on.

– We also have infection tracers and it will also work in its entirety. But the challenge is probably fewer people getting tested now, and then infection rates will drop too, he says, adding:

– We see that about 2.5 percent of those who are tested are infected. It is very high. This means that there is too much infection in society, and we see that there is infection in workplaces, health and wellness centers, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor this here now.


On Thursday morning the first doses of vaccine were sent to Norway. In Trondheim, plans have been made to roll out the vaccine, but they won’t get anything until the new year.

– We won’t get anything until the new year. Then it is in the first instance those who are in the health and wellness center and institutions who are vaccinated first, and then there will be sales. It takes a lot of work and logistics to put it in place

– Do you think many people relax a little when there is so much talk that vaccines are just around the corner?

– I really hope not, because it takes time before many get vaccinated for this to have a great effect. The first thing that happens is to vaccinate people at risk so that they do not become infected and become seriously ill. But it takes a long time before we have enough vaccines in the population for people to relax, he says.

– Will it be a Merry Christmas for the people of Trondheim?

– I think it will be a merry Christmas for the people of Trondheim. You have to enjoy a good Christmas meal and relax, and then you have to limit the number of social contacts.
