Declared Free of Infection – Invites Several Hundred to White House – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


Overnight, it was about President Donald Trump and his health. This has happened:

  • Trump declares himself free of infection.
  • Next week’s presidential debate has been canceled.
  • Anthony Fauci confirms over-propagation in the White House.
  • Several hundred people are expected to attend the event at the presidential residence.

Trump has invited an event outside the presidential residence on Saturday, where the plan is for him to speak from one of the balconies.

According to sources from The New York Times, several hundred people will appear on the lawn in front of the White House.

It’s been two weeks since what is described as a “superspray” event went off the rails in Rosehagen. After the rally, several participants received a crown, including President Trump.

– I think the data speaks for itself. We had an incident with a super spreader at the White House, Trump’s infection control expert Anthony Fauci said in an interview with CBS News Radio on Friday.

CNN writes that Trump’s “growing political desperation” raises concerns about whether the White House is honest about his health.

Republican Party.

During the event in Rosehagen on Sept. 26, Republicans stood together, squeezing each other and only a few people wore bandages. The highlight of the event was the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as the new Justice of the Supreme Court.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

The presidential debate canceled

The debate planned next week between Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has been canceled, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday night Norwegian time.

The reason is that Trump and Biden did not agree on how the debate should go.

The organizer and Biden wanted the video discussion for infection control purposes, but Trump declined.

Earlier this week, Trump’s team suggested postponing the next two debates so that the third debate could take place on October 29, four days before the presidential election. Biden’s campaign manager rejected the proposal.


The first television debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has been called the worst nokosinne debate, now the next planned debate has been canceled.

Photo: Patrick Semansky / AP

– I feel great

The president said in a video interview with Fox News Saturday night that he is no longer taking crown medication. Various media reported that he was hoarse and had to interrupt several times because he coughed during the interview.

But there were few responses to what the numerous tests at the hospital had shown.

– Right now I’m drug free. I’m not taking any medication right now and haven’t done it in eight hours, Trump said.

Trump was interviewed by Marc Siegel, a physician and Fox News commentator.

The president emphasized that he is practically free from infection and says he was retested for the virus today.

– I get re-tested for warts, and I haven’t talked or anything like that, but I re-test for warts and I’m at the bottom of the scale, or get rid of it entirely, says Trump.

Donald Trump is back in full swing in the role of President and Norway time last night for a video interview with Fox News.

Fluid in the lungs

He further explained that the virus had taken away his energy and that he did not feel very well when the disease was at its worst. Lung tests must have shown that he had fluid in his lungs.

– I felt weak, tired and sore throat, and did not have the energy that a president should have, he said.

When Trump was admitted to Walter Reed Hospital on Friday a week ago, he was treated with several experimental drugs, including Remdesivir and steroids.

He did not provide any further information on what type of medication he had received or what type of tests he had had.

– It is a very contagious virus. It is one thing you learn. This is a contagious disease, he said.

He also spent time bragging about the excellent facilities of the military hospital and said they had a lot of state-of-the-art equipment that he had never seen before.
