Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: – Shocked by Trump: “Low goal”


NEW YORK / OSLO (Dagbladet): US President Donald Trump is accused of hitting a new “low goal” after spreading misinformation about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s much-discussed dying wish.

Ginsburg, who died Friday at the age of 87, is receiving acclaim across much of the United States. For many, he is a legal, cultural and feminist icon. Millions of people are in mourning, and this week you will be solemnly remembered by the Supreme Court and Congress in Washington DC. Too many

“My deepest wish is that I will not be replaced until there is a new president,” Ginsburg said shortly before he died, according to a statement issued to his granddaughter, according to NPR.

ICON: Millions of Americans mourn the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP
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Undocumented claim

But both Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced a few hours later that they would rush to secure a Conservative replacement for Ginsburg before the Nov. 3 presidential election.

On Monday, Trump also accused Democratic leaders, without any documentation, of fabricating Ginsburg’s last wish.

DEATH: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is considered a liberal, died Friday. She turned 87 years old. Video: AP
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– I don’t know if he said it, or if it was written by Adam Schiff (Democratic congressional representative, chairman of the intelligence committee and central in the Supreme Court case against Trump journal.anm.) Or Pelosi (Democratic president of Nancy Pelosi in The House of Representatives). I am more inclined to believe the latter. It came out of nowhere. It sounds so beautiful, but it sounds like something from Schumer (Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the Senate), or maybe Pelosi or “Shifty Schiff.” So it came out of nowhere. I mean, maybe he said it, maybe he didn’t, Trump told Fox News on Monday.

– low goals

In the interview, he also came up with some nice words for Ginsburg. Among other things, the president described her as a “legend” and one that “stood for something other than you or me.”

MINNES: Many have come to honor the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the Washington Supreme Court in Washington DC. Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP
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However, the claim that her dying wish may have been fabricated elicits strong reactions.

– Mr President, these are low targets. Even for you. No, I did not write Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last wish for a nation she served so well. She spent her entire life making our union more perfect. But I will fight like hell to make my wish come true. No approval before installation, writes Schiff Twitter.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has stated that a new judge should not be appointed until after the election.

– Let people talk. Cool the flames that have engulfed our country, Biden said of a new Supreme Court justice in a speech Sunday.

This is how discrimination was won

This is how discrimination was won

Greater conservative advantage

If Trump has his way, he will have time to appoint his third Supreme Court justice before the first presidential term ends. In that case, it could mean that the conservative dominance in court increases even further, with six conservative judges and three liberals.

The drama, which could have consequences for the United States for decades to come, takes place at the same time that the United States is already in full swing with 200,000 dead so far in the corona pandemic, an economic crisis and social unrest. The appointment of a new Supreme Court justice may, among other things, have significant consequences for self-determination abortion rights, Obamacare, and gay rights.

DEATH: United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg turned 87. Video: AP Photo: NTB. Reporter: Embla Hjort-Larsen / Dagbladet TV
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Trump, McConnell and other Republicans are accused of double standards.

In 2016, McConnell refused to hold a hearing or vote in the Senate on then-President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. Obama nominated Merrick Garland after the death of Conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia in February 2016. McConnell’s reason at the time was that a new presidential election was too close and the American people had to speak up. At the time, the United States was ten months away from a presidential election. This year, Ginsburg died just 46 days before the November 3 election.

Five women

If Trump wants to succeed, he needs the support of a majority in the Senate for his candidate. Two Republican senators, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, have made it clear so far that they will not approve any candidates before the election. If two more do what they do, there will be no majority to approve a new Supreme Court justice.

Trump has five conservative candidates on his list. On Monday, he had a meeting at the White House with one of them, Amy Coney Barrett. She is currently the favorite to get the job, writes AP.

The president announced in a meeting with reporters Monday that he plans to announce his candidate on Friday or Saturday, even before Ginsburg is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
