– Damn unfair


The government has now had a voice. The budget proposal has been sent to the Storting and in the hands of the Progress Party.

If the budget is to win a majority, and the government survives, there is no avoiding fiscal policy spokesperson Sylvi Listhaug. This is a situation that Listhaug aims to make the most of.

– The Progress Party is now on the brink and we will use it to the fullest. We left the government because we were not satisfied with the policy that was being followed. So there is no question that we will demand more influence abroad, says Listhaug.

SLANGER WITH LIPS: LO leader Hans Christian Gabrielsen clearly disagrees with NHO leader Ole Erik Almlid. Reporter: Jørgen Gilbrant. Video: Christian Roth Christensen
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Increase rates

The state budget presented by the government is the first since 2014 that has not been drawn up from scratch by FRP leader Siv Jensen. It’s remarkable, according to Listhaug.

– I think it’s sad to see the priorities. The government is increasing the tax burden for ordinary people and businesses. Not least, they increase deductibles for sick people, which affect more than a million Norwegians, says Listhaug and sets this in stark contrast, seen through the eyes of FRP, with other priorities:

– Our country is in crisis with thousands of unemployed and laid off, many are worried about the future. Then the number of refugees from the quota and aid, as always, will be protected. I think a lot of people think it’s very unfair, says Listhaug.

RECEIVED: When Trygve Slagsvold Vedum spoke at the debate at the Storting, he received a speech from the President of the Storting for the editorial staff. Video: The Storting
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– Stomach splashes for the right

The red cloths for Frp can be summarized in the following points:

  • The government withholds the percentage of development assistance, although development assistance in crowns and øre is declining due to lower national income.
  • The government keeps the refugee quota at 3,000.
  • Tariffs for cross-border alcohol and tobacco products are increasing, not decreasing. At the top, fuel taxes and a new tax on owning an electric car are rising.
  • Deductibles in the health care system are increasing and the ceiling is set at NOK 3,183.

– The budget is a stomach ache for everyone in the Conservative Party who have said that the tax burden on cross-border products must be reduced. Has anyone calculated that you save 61 crowns a year if you drink 45 liters a year? It is relatively modest. Firm steps must be taken here to get results, Listhaug says.

TALLENE STORY: Silje Sandmæl on DnB tells you what you save with the new budget. Video: Dagbladet TV
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Cheaper beer

– Will KrF get lower taxes on alcohol and tobacco?

– U.S should get a breakthrough. The easiest thing to do when it comes to alcohol is to lower the beer tax. Why? Yes, because it is produced in Norway. If you lower the tax, Norwegian breweries can produce more and we get more jobs in Norway. That is the way we have to think.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg has said that she still manages and creates the state budget based on the Granavolden platform. Makes Listhaug snort.

– From what I remember, there was nothing about the increase in car taxes in Granavolden. As Erna Solberg walks around and brags that she’s following Granavolden, I’ve at least noticed that the car tax hike may not have been something we would agree on, Listhaug says with a good deal of irony.

Supports HRS

– You can maintain support for the Human Rights Service (HRS) of 1.8 million. What does it really mean to you?

– It is simply a matter of principle that you should have the opportunity to receive support even if you have different opinions on immigration and integration. You must have alternative voices in that area. Alternatively, we can remove support for everybody these organizations, including HRS. That’s perfectly fine with us, Listhaug says.

It is only a week and a half until the Progress Party has its national meeting exposed to the crown. It can create an unusual dynamic in which the National Assembly, which is the highest body of the party, can bind the parliamentary group.

– Are you afraid of ultimatum proposals on matters of the heart that will be difficult to say no to at a national FRP meeting?

– The national meeting is free, but it was a very clear signal from the national board that we do not give an ultimatum. We received a clear march order to prioritize Norwegian interests, we will follow up, Listhaug responds.

- A slap in the face

– A slap in the face

Don’t hunt Erna

All the bourgeois parties have gained momentum after the FRP left the government. It is true that in tug and tug, but the FRP is constantly on the rise in the polls and both KrF and the Liberal Party have more and more unique polls above the threshold of the barrier.

– Is it a healthier form of cooperation on the part of the bourgeoisie that can be argued in the Storting?

– We do not support any government of which we are not part. Therefore, there will be very interesting negotiations throughout the fall. This year has been very special, the corona pandemic has also affected the polls. For Frp, there is a goal for next year’s elections: to be as big as possible.

There is also no FRP hunting for a government this fall.

– We will not give in to bright buttons and images, there will be difficult negotiations. But we are not entering into negotiations with the aim of overthrowing a prime minister. We will find good solutions.
