Dæhlie moves to Vesterålen: lower estate tax contributed to decision – NRK


Dæhlie confirms this in a statement sent to NTB on Tuesday.

On Monday, Vesterålen Online wrote that the former king of cross country had bought a house in Bø. The 53-year-old is said to have paid NOK 1.2 million for the house he got.

Now Dæhlie confirms that he is reporting a movement.

“For us, this will be a one-year pilot project, if it is possible to live in Bø and travel to eastern Norway,” writes the former cross-country profile.

Bø has received a lot of attention for reducing the estate tax by half a percent starting in the new year. Dæhlie admits that that decision contributed to his decision to move north.

“Yes, we reported a movement due to the attitude of the municipality towards the estate tax,” he writes in the letter sent to NTB on Tuesday.

Will invest locally

The 53-year-old man emphasizes that he, both as an individual and through his companies, has paid significant sums in taxes for many years. He also thinks this is the right thing to do. Furthermore, Dæhlie writes that he supports the Norwegian tax system, which he perceives as good and fair, but that the wealth tax is a clear exception.

Therefore, the former king of the cross country supports the control of the estate tax by the mayor of Bø, Sture Pedersen.

As a result of the move, Dæhlie warns that it will use the money it now saves in wealth taxes on “profitable investments in the region or locally in Bø.”

Dæhlie claims that he withdraws between six and eight million annually from Sisa Invest AS to pay wealth tax.

sunday time

INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITY: The UK’s oldest newspaper, The Sunday Times, has also written about tax cuts in Bø.

Photo: Screenshot Sunday Times

– The tax is paid privately, so the amount is taxed several times, first at the company, as dividends, before paying the wealth tax. For a company like Sisa Invest AS, this is demanding, because the wealth tax is paid regardless of the results of the company. Privately, I do not have the funds to pay the estate tax, so I am dependent on losing the company with amounts that often correspond to the profits of the company, writes the cross-country legend.

Considering permanent relocation

The 53-year-old has made a lot of money after his sports career ended. Now he will travel to eastern Norway to follow up on the real estate projects he is involved in there.

Dæhlie also writes that he hopes to take advantage of the opportunities Vesterålen offers to cultivate the leisure interests of hunting and fishing.

Hovden on Bø in Vesterålen

Dæhlie hopes to take advantage of the opportunities Vesterålen offers to pursue the hobbies of hunting and fishing.

Photo: Christine Fagerbakke / Institute for Marine Research

It allows the family to settle in Bø permanently if the solution works well next year. Otherwise, you plan to use the newly purchased house as a vacation home.

The rapporteur is encouraging

The Mayor of Bø, Sture Pedersen (H), is happy with his new citizen.

Sture pedersen

– Of course I’m very happy about this. Bjørn Dæhlie is a good example of our success with our strategy, which is to create new jobs in the municipality.

Photo: Øystein Nygård / NRK

He says he has been in contact with Dæhlie for a long time. Dæhlie and his wife Vilde also visited Bøe a month ago.

What kinds of jobs will Bjørn Dæhlie create by moving to Bø?

– I envision that you will invest in tourism and experiences here in the municipality.

But was it a simple house that you bought?

– He’s down to earth and he’s a great guy. He will renovate the house and it will be another great house for him.

You will travel by seaplane

Dæhlie claims that he will try to travel from Vesterålen.

The rapporteur is concerned about the limited supply of flights. But I hope Dæhlie has a solution up his sleeve.

– I think it’s a sensible approach that you should try this for a year. Then I can build you an airport if necessary.

– Build an airport?

– Yes, it’s not a joke. For example, it may be relevant to establish a landing zone for seaplanes. It is a relatively simple matter.
