Crown forecasts by Swedish authorities: double what was feared


The Swedish Public Health Agency, Sweden’s FHI, was greatly missed both in the timing and scope of the second round of the corona epidemic, a review Sveriges Televison has made of the July estimates versus the current state shows.

In the worst of the three scenarios, presented this summer, the Public Health Agency calculated that the peak would arrive in week 39 – 21 – 27 September – with 1,100 infected.

Then the number of infected people would gradually decrease.

The double

The announced peak of infection occurred after September. Week 47 – November 16 – 22 – 1,500 new people infected with covid-19 were registered in Sweden.

Respond to the king's criticism

Respond to the king’s criticism

This week, there are 2389 new cases of infection registered in Sweden so far, the highest number so far.

That’s double the worst case scenario.

Infection rates have increased in recent months. Those most affected are Stockholm, Västgötaland and Malmö.

- We want them infected

– We want them infected

The other two scenarios that the Swedish health authorities took into account in July were infection at the same level as in the spring and a constant, medium-high infection, with local peaks.

By. On December 18, 7983 corona deaths and 357,406 infections were recorded in Sweden during the year.

The corresponding figures for Norway are 404 deaths and 42,776 infected registered during the year.

Real criticism

The handling and the situation in Sweden have led the Swedish king to criticize.

He noted in particular the death toll in the country.

Beat the Christmas alarm at the border: - It's bad

Beat the Christmas alarm at the border: – It’s bad

– I think we’ve just failed, and that’s terrible. The Swedish people have suffered greatly, Carl Gustaf told SVT.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell had to respond to actual criticism.

– It is obvious that the number of deaths is regrettable, and we will definitely have to work to try to understand how we can improve to prevent it from happening again. Whether we call it a failure or not, I think we should leave it to those who investigate this issue in the future, Tegnell said during the press conference.
