Critic of mouth bandages: – NIPH are not experts on this topic


You are now encouraged not to leave the house without a mask, so that you are prepared if you reach places where there is congestion.

But there are a lot of bandages and you can quickly get lost in the jungle.

Do you have to change your face if you get off the bus and get on a new one?
What happens when you get up from the table in a restaurant and go to the bathroom, then you have to change the blindfold? And not least, how do you wash the cloth bandage so that it is virus-free?

Regarding the last question, the main advice from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) is to wash cloth bandages at 60 degrees in a washing machine.

– impractical

Lead researcher Ingun G. Klepp, from the SIFO consumer research institute at Oslo Met, believes that FHI has lost its information for the people.

– I am critical of FHI’s advice on washing masks, because the only advice given is impractical and something that not everyone can follow, says Klepp on TV 2.

Aftenposten was the first to mention the case.

Klepp is an expert on the washing habits of Norwegians and, among other things, has written books on the subject.

It is strange to her that FHI did not contact her or other laundry experts before going out to give advice to the public.

CRITICAL: Principal Investigator Ingun G. Klepp is critical of FHI's advice on mouth wrapping.

CRITICAL: Principal Investigator Ingun G. Klepp is critical of FHI’s advice on mouth wrapping. Photo: Oslo Met

The researcher believes that the virus dies both when storing the nozzle for a few days, immersing it in boiling water and steaming it, since the coronavirus does not survive high temperatures.

– At FHI they are experts in viruses and infections, but not in washing. They claim that only machine washing above 60 degrees is good enough to remove viruses from fabric bandages. I don’t agree with that, says Klepp.

Fear of private solutions

The washing expert says there are fewer and fewer Norwegians running the washing machine at 60 degrees.

He also finds it difficult to follow FHI’s advice for students, who rarely have access to their own washing machine.

– Either FHI should have given advice with various alternatives or have good reasons why soaking in boiling water or storing the nozzle for several days is not good enough, says Klepp.

She believes that FHI is now so knowledgeable about the coronavirus that they have the opportunity to give other advice that is easier for people to follow.

– Ridiculous

Klepp says that when recommending and ordering people to wear face masks, one should have a right to know how we relate to the advice and it should be practically possible for people to follow.

– The worse and less practical the advice, the more private solutions are used. And that’s not good, says Klepp.

If you do not have the opportunity to wash cloth bandages over 60 degrees, it is easy to turn to disposable bandages. Something that Klepp doesn’t believe in is an environmental flashback.

– Those who have been infected with covid-19 will also go out into the community again, and then there will be a lot of clothes to wash. But it is far from all the clothes that can withstand 60 degrees. So here is the stage for a massive destruction of clothing on a large scale. For example, should the winter jacket be washed and damaged at 60 degrees? It’s completely ridiculous, says the laundry investigator.

It can survive on various substances.

Acting director of the Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle department at the National Institute of Public Health states that her recommendations regarding fabric bandages are based on minimum requirements defined by a European task force.

– This requirement states that cloth bandages “for reusable use must withstand the number of cleaning cycles specified by the manufacturer (at least 5 cleaning cycles) at a minimum wash temperature of 60 ° C”, says Eriksen-Volle.

  1. Wash your hands before putting on a mask.
  2. Make sure the mouthpiece is close to the face and well above the nose.
  3. Squeeze the mouthpiece on each side of the bridge of your nose and pull it well under your chin.
  4. Nozzles should always have the colored side facing out.
  5. Do not wear it under the nose or on the chin. Do not move it up and down.
  6. The glasses should be on the spout.
  7. Use each bandage only once.
  8. Change the dressing if it gets wet or if you remove it to eat the
  9. When removing the mouthpiece, try to touch only the elastics / ties
  10. Dispose of the used sanitary napkin in a trash (normal) container as soon as you remove it.
  11. Wash your hands after removing or touching the mouthpiece.

    Source: Helsenorge

How about keeping the bandage for a few days, when the virus cannot survive on porous surfaces for long?

– The mouthpiece can contract a virus outside. Studies have shown that the coronavirus can survive on various substances and surfaces. Duration depends on various conditions such as temperature, humidity and type of material. Therefore, it is recommended to wash between uses, says the director of the department.

Disposable face masks work best

– Are cloth bandages as effective as disposable bandages?

– As a general rule; No. Disposable medical bandages are approved according to current regulations. They often have better filtering ability and sit firmly around the face. Fabric bandages include many different products and therefore have different efficiencies. Filtration capacity is often unknown, and cloth bandages are often not tested against the recommended standard. But there are few studies on the effect of cloth bandages, says Eriksen-Volle.

– How dangerous is it to use the same mask several times?

– In relation to the risk of infecting others, it should not be a big problem. But the risk of infecting yourself can increase if the mouthpiece has a virus on the outside, she says.

– If you take two buses, with a ride in between, can you wear the same bandage or do you have to change?

– If the mouthpiece is not removed, you can sit while walking between buses and on the new bus. Nozzles that have been removed must not be reused.

– If you forget and put on the mouthpiece, do you have to change?

– No, but we recommend that you wash your hands after touching the mouthpiece, as it can be a virus on the outside of the mouthpiece that then stains your hands, says Eriksen-Volle.

Nozzle order

On Monday, the Oslo City Council expanded measures for the population to impose sales in, for example, shops and shopping centers, where it is not possible to keep at least one meter away.

The measures took effect on Thursday at 12 noon.

It is mandatory to wear a mask if you are over 12 years old when:

  • You will be in travel quarantine and use public transport from the place of arrival to the quarantine place.
  • Leave Norway before the end of the travel quarantine period and use public transport during departure.
  • The municipal doctor makes a special assessment as to whether you, who are in a quarantined infection, can be allowed to use public transport to get to a suitable quarantine site.

    Source: Helsenorge

On Tuesday, the Bergen city council introduced the same measures and on Wednesday, municipalities neighboring Bergen also agreed to new crown measures.

On Thursday, Drammen followed suit, introducing a series of measures, including avoiding public transportation during peak hours where there is congestion. While it is recommended to wear face masks on routes to and from Oslo, where it is not possible to hold a subway.

Lørenskog politicians have gone even further for its inhabitants. Requirements for masks have been introduced in the store.

– When you enter a store, it is not so easy to assess whether it is one meter away from other people. Anyway, that’s why you should wear a bandage, says Mayor Ragnhild Bergheim in Lørenskog municipality.
