Create a fast track to privatization


LOMMEDALEN (Dagbladet): – It is important to have power in your own life. Especially when you are in a situation where you need help, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H).

Torill Buer (71) nods his head on the rooftop of Lommedalen. She has her own experiences to share with Solberg and Health Minister Bent Høie (H), who is now launching a new sprint for municipalities that want to invite private actors to compete for help.

– Now we are doing this «fast track». If people vote for the Conservative government in the municipalities, there will be results very quickly and the inhabitants will experience the same as here in Bærum, says Health Minister Høie, who promises that there will now be an end of years of studies to get rid of the actors private.

Life can change quickly for everyone. Torill was paralyzed after back surgery. After training, she needed help with the most intimate things. Shower in the morning and the opportunity to take care of yourself and do things your way.

– The most important thing for me is to start the day with a shower. The municipality could offer me a shower one day a week, but they also informed me about several private providers that I could choose from. I spoke to everyone and chose an actor who could help me shower every morning at 8, says Torill Buer.

But after a while, Torill experienced that home help often came too late and didn’t start the day. She then had – as Bent Høie says – “not only a right of appeal, but also a right of exchange” because she lives in the conservative municipality of Biftingrum.

Ernas «fast track»

  • The government is launching an approval model for the free choice of the user.
  • Users can choose the provider that the municipality has approved
  • Providers may have different initiatives, such as a permanent staff group, different languages, or fixed visiting hours.
  • The municipality sets the price in advance, so suppliers only compete on price
  • The approval model provides a legal framework that allows municipalities to introduce free choice of treatment more easily and quickly. It also makes things easier for providers, who have a system to deal with
  • The approval model is sent for consultation within a period of three months.

Changed provider

Torill complained but did not improve. Then he switched to another private provider. For the past year, she has been brilliantly happy.

– It is important for me to manage my own daily life. Good hygiene is very important to avoid injuries and gives me a good quality of life, says Torill, who can also say that she has a small fixed group that helps her.

– No one comes to me without them knowing how I should feel. I’m also involved in training, says Torill with the prime minister and the health minister nodding alongside him.

- Raymond crawls up to the cross.

– Raymond crawls up to the cross.

The Mayor of Bærum, Lisbeth Hammer Krog (H), can say that 400 of the 2,200 who are entitled to home services in the municipality have opted for private services. The majority thus use the services of the municipality.

The price is fixed, so players compete exclusively on quality. Private players run the risk of being excluded if the service they provide is not good enough, as Torill did.

– For me, it is not ideological that individuals should be able to operate, but it is ideologically important to me that people should be able to choose for themselves. If you are disabled, elderly, drug addict or have mental health problems, says Erna Solberg.

CHOOSE YOURSELF: Erna Solberg wants everyone to be able to do the same as Torill Buer: choose who will perform home services. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet
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Four years in Tromsø

Few municipalities have a conservative government as stable as Bærum, where the party has had the mayor continuously since the 1950s. In other municipalities, the party has experienced winning elections, but does not have time to implement conservative policy until they have Four years have passed, and there will be a new election.

In Tromsø, conservatives won the elections in 2011 and advocated openness to private actors in caring for the elderly. But it wasn’t introduced until September 1, 2015, two weeks before the Conservatives lost the next municipal elections.

– It took a long time. There were back-and-forth decisions and many studies to establish regulations. We lost the elections in 2015 and the plan was finished on September 1, 2019; the contract was extended for four years, says group leader Erlend Svardal in Tromsø Høyre.

What Svardal and other conservatives have called for comes from high places.

– We have seen that it takes a long time with studies and then suddenly the period of four years has passed. They are not all the places where we can rule for as long as in Bærum. The invoice we send for your reference will make it much easier and faster to introduce the user’s freedom of choice, says Solberg.

Package for municipalities

The new approval model will be a complete package for municipalities that tells them how they should proceed to bring in private providers. The municipality sets the price so that players only compete on quality.

Providers can thus adapt to various initiatives that are desired by the inhabitants, such as fixed staff, language or fixed visiting hours. Users can also choose not to participate in those that do not live up to expectations.

It is precisely the opportunity to actively choose those with whom she wants to return home that is important to Erna Solberg.

– Yes, it is possible to complain about the service you receive, but for many it is difficult. It may be that they are late, that they do not feel that the chemistry is good with those who come to help you. It may be vague to say, but this is so close that it is important to have good chemistry with those who come. It can be difficult to tell.

– With the free choice of the user, players who do not keep their promises are replaced. If you promise to arrive precisely in the morning, you must deliver, says Solberg, followed by Bent Høie:

– I think this is a question of courage. The right to change is a value in itself, especially when it comes to the most intimate and important things in life. It’s a paradox that you have the right to change if you buy a lawn mower, but you have no right to change if you are not satisfied with the most basic things in life, says Høie.

Talk about everything

The rooftop meeting comes to an end, but health professional Eddilyn Valderhaug from Norlandia arrives. You will be allowed to attend and meet the Prime Minister along with Torill. Eddilyn and Torill have been given a very special contact and the healthcare professional only refers to Torill as “mother.”

– When you know a person so well, the conversation continues. It’s not just about being taken care of and saying good morning, but we talk about everything. Family, politics and experiences. He’s very nice, says Torill of one of his many good helpers.

Valderhaug is aware that Torill may choose someone else to take care of her in the morning, if she is unhappy.

– My passion in life is to provide care. “Mom” is very happy with me, so I don’t think they will replace me. I want to stay with her too! says Eddilyn, the healthcare professional Torill has chosen.
