Covid 19 England: – Worse than “worst case scenario”


Scientific advisers to the government (Sage) say four times more people are infected with corona than expected, the BBC writes on Friday.

Health authorities operate with a “worst-case scenario” to plan efforts in the coming months. That meant 85,000 deaths from covid-19 during the winter.

A Sage document dated October 14 reveals that the situation is worse than expected.

The original scenario estimated between 12 and 13,000 daily infections in England in October. The latest estimate is that between 43,000 and 74,000 people were infected daily in England until mid-October.

More with infection

Statistics Norway Ons states that in the week of October 17-23, infection cases continued to rise sharply in the UK, averaging 51,900 cases per day. This is a 50 percent increase from the previous week.

The compensation regime for the catering and tourism industry is expanded

The compensation regime for the restaurant and tourism industry is expanded

560,000 Britons had the virus in their bodies last week, compared to 433,000 the week before.

Adolescents and young adults

The figures also show that infection rates in the past two weeks have risen across all age groups, Sky News reports. Infection is highest among older adolescents and young adults, as well as in the north of England, where stricter measures have now been introduced.

Starting Monday, these measures will be rolled out for another 2.4 million people in West Yorskhire, including the city of Leeds. Thus, around 11 million inhabitants in England will be subject to the strictest restrictions.

Discourage travel

This means, among other things, a ban on socializing indoors with other households. Pubs and bars that do not serve adequate meals are closed and unnecessary travel is discouraged.

In the last 24 hours, there have been 24,400 new corona cases and 274 deaths in the UK. In all, nearly 990,000 tested positive and more than 46,000 died.

In the last two weeks, 438 infected per 100,000 inhabitants have been registered in the country.

