covid-19, Coronavirus | – People must be prepared for crown measurements to be long


For most people, the vaccine will be at least in half a year.

OSLO (Nettavisen): Earlier this year, there was a kind of hope that the crown crisis would end when 2020 ended.

There is no longer any hope of:

– The population must, through good risk communication, be prepared for general measures to last a long time, writes FHI in its latest risk report.

On Thursday, the government announced a host of new measures, while Oslo is now introducing measures that are close to what we had in March and April.

Also read: “Social closure of Oslo”: these are the measures that will be applied as of November 10

First create large amounts of vaccine for the summer

The hope has long been that more vaccines will be approved before the New Year.

But after delays and tightening regulations, the hope now appears to be that vaccine developers will have time to analyze their important phase 3 studies before Christmas.

If these data are positive, both the US and European health authorities will consider whether the vaccines should receive conditional approval. How long it will take is unknown.

Furthermore, vaccines must be produced in sufficiently large quantities. This process is already underway, but it takes a long time.

Also read: Oxford’s corona vaccine is severely delayed

– Summer 2021

In an interview with Nettavisen (see the video at the top of the case), Health Director Bjørn Guldvog says the following about when they think the vaccine will arrive:

– Now we believe that we will be able to start this vaccination of the first in Norway in the new year, but maybe not until March / April. This depends on approval processes and production capacity, says Guldvog.

– We believe that from the summer of 2021 we will have a greater capacity to vaccinate a larger part of the population, says the health director.

It is as far back as the beginning of the pandemic in time.

According to the risk report of the National Institute of Public Health, it is still very uncertain who will be given priority:

– The need for information is great at the same time that it is uncertain when vaccines are approved, what properties they have, what use they get, when they are delivered to Norway and in what quantities, writes FHI.

– The NIPH will deliver its preliminary vaccination recommendations for groups, as well as a prioritization order to the Ministry of Health and Care Services during November. The recommendations will be updated periodically over the next few months.
