Coronavirus: – Total confusion – Figure achieved


On Monday, October 26, Councilor Raymond Johansen advised the citizens of Oslo not to have more than ten social contacts per week. The move was so confusing that both Johansen and Prime Minister Erna Solberg were confused.

Now it turns out that the Norwegian Health Directorate recently recommended to the government to introduce this measure at the national level, but that Solberg and the government rejected it and recommended that everyone “limit social contact with other people.”

Furthermore, internal documents show that the Ministry of Health and Care Services asked the Norwegian Health Directorate and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health to explain what a social contact really is.

In the alternative budget of the Labor Party, they come with 350 million crowns for a very special purpose. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet
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The document sent to the Ministry of Health and Care Services on November 4 establishes that the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health agree that social contacts are “friends, acquaintances and relatives, in addition to those with whom they live or meets at work, school and leisure activities. “

This is also illustrated by a figure that the National Institute of Public Health made to explain to the Minister of Health and his ministry what social contacts really are, so that they can communicate it to the population when they present the new measures this Thursday.

However, this was not necessary as the measure was rejected.

STAY AT HOME: Health Minister Bent Høie summarizes the most important measures. Video: NTB.
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The concept

The Norwegian Health Directorate explained that this system must take special care with singles. This bubble concept was used by New Zealand in connection with the closing of the company.

When the closure of society was found to have consequences for social contact beyond the home itself, it was suggested that singles in particular should be allowed to form an infection bubble with a selected household so as not to end up in social isolation, explains the health director Bjørn Guldvog and his management.

Since then, the concept has been expanded to a recommendation to stick to a fixed group of people. This is to avoid further infection and increased stress on the infection trail.

In the end, the Norwegian Health Directorate also proposed introducing measures for up to ten people at private events. This is because he was in line with the measure of a maximum of ten social contacts per week. Instead, the government opted for a maximum of 20 people.

VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS: Prime Minister Erna Solberg reports on the situation of the crown in the country. Video: NTB
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Plans canceled

Health Minister Bent Høie revealed to Dagbladet that when the measure took effect for Oslo last week, he had to cancel plans.

– I intend to comply with this measure. This means that there are some things that you had planned in November that will not happen. Of course it’s sad, but it is, Høie told Dagbladet.

Prime Minister Solberg told Dagbladet that the measure would not be a problem to comply with, as she does not meet with so many in private. In addition, he remains two meters from others, he argued.
