Coronavirus: – Record infection in Bergen


Starting Thursday, a series of new bans and restrictions will be introduced in the municipality of Bergen.

The measures are being introduced because the contagion pressure in the municipality has never been higher than it is now, Councilor Roger Valhammer explained during a press conference Tuesday afternoon.

Hours earlier, 77 new cases of infection were recorded in Bergen, the highest number of new corona cases ever recorded in one day in the municipality.

These are the measurements

The measures are formulated as both prohibitions, injunctions and guidelines.

The Municipality of Bergen presents:

  • Ban private gatherings where more than ten people participate, but make an exception for school and kindergarten cohorts
  • Ban on events with more than 50 participants without fixed seats.

In addition, they present:

  • Mandatory for bandages in public transport, when it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter.
  • Mandatory for indoor masks in public places, such as shops and malls, when it is not possible to keep one meter away.
EXTREME MEASURES: NIPH Director Camilla Stoltenberg says that Oslo is not unlikely to see an increase in the number of infected despite the measures being introduced. Video: Agusta Magnusdottir. Reporter: Frode Andresen
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Bergen restaurants should also:

  • Ask guests to identify themselves prior to admission and to register each guest. This also applies to restaurants that do not serve alcohol.

Nightclubs that serve alcohol must:

  • Stop admitting guests after midnight.
  • Stop the sale of liquor after midnight.
  • Make sure that the noise level in nightclubs is not higher than what is possible to carry on a conversation at a distance of one meter.
Squeeze sharply

Squeeze sharply

Show off by Bergen folks

Also earlier this fall, Bergen was subjected to a series of strict measures. Now the measures will be even stricter than for the rest of the country, with the exception of Oslo, and stricter than this fall.

– We must all get serious within ourselves together. This fall, wave number two hit us for the first time. So the people of Bergen reacted exceptionally. Now we have to press again, because I think we are facing a demanding winter, said Councilor Valhammer at the press conference.

He then explained that the Bergen city council had sought the advice of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) before designing the measures they are now introducing.

– Our assessment, which is supported by FHI, is that the government’s national measures are not enough, Valhammer said.

He described the city council measures as “even more specific” than those introduced by the city council this fall.

Camilla Stoltenberg, director of FHI, says that we are likely to have a further spread of the infection, despite the new measures.
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These are the calls

In addition, the Municipality of Bergen still encourages municipal employees, both municipal and private, to make the maximum use of home offices.

They also encourage children and parents to plan a different Halloween celebration this year.

– No one should call strangers to get tricks or tricks in Bergen, says health advisor Beate Husa.

This means that if children are going to do tricks or tricks on Halloween, they should do so when appointments are scheduled in advance.

STRICT MEASURES: On Monday, October 26, the government introduced strict new corona measures. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Agusta Magnusdottir / Dagbladet TV
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Increase testability

Today, the testing capacity of the Bergen municipality has almost exploded. The township emergency room had no spare capacity and the other testing center in Fyllingsdalen experienced long lines on Tuesday morning and afternoon.


The “rule of ten” created total confusion

Therefore, the municipality will increase capacity by entering into agreements with private actors to be able to test more immediately.

This will basically apply until a new test station opens in Festplassen in mid-November, said health adviser Huse, who denied there is chaos at the current test stations.

– We have a lot to do, but a good description, he said.
