Coronavirus, Public Health Agency | Sweden’s latest crown figures on February 2


The number of new cases of infection in Sweden is decreasing, but in Västra Götaland they are experiencing an alarming development. Follow the live broadcast from 2:00 p.m.

OSLO (Nettavisen): At the national level, the decrease in the number of new cases of infection continues in Sweden, but there are clear regional differences. In Västra Götaland and Stockholm, the numbers are not going down. Create concern.

You can watch the broadcast in the video window below:

Infection figures for Sweden on Tuesday show 576,606 cases of infection, 4,819 intensive care units and 11,815 deaths so far in the pandemic.

In Stockholm, the incidence rate (infection cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days) is now 300. In Västra Götaland, the incidence rate is 493. Nationally, the number is 420. In Scania, which has recently had infection rates on the rise, development is heading in the right direction. The number of interiors, 657, is still above the national average.

Fear Norway infection

Swedish media write about fear of infection in Norway, where the English variant of the virus is on the rise. In Strömstad, there are reports that the number of confirmed cases of infection is not decreasing. Now various local restrictions are being introduced, writes Bohusläningen.

– Although the number of cases in the rest of the Västra Götaland region is decreasing, it has increased considerably in Strömstad. So now it’s about being able to quickly reverse the trend. Everyone in Strömstad should help, says the assistant infection control doctor in Västra Götaland in a press release.

Speeds up the search for mutated viruses

Four of the country’s regions tested 2,200 positive samples in a screening test in week 4 and found the English virus variant in 11 percent of the samples, said unit leader Sara Byfors at the Public Health Authority in Tuesday’s press conference and announced that Sweden is now expanding this poll.

This screening is not performed as a whole genome sequencing, but as a new method that gives preliminary results. The bottom line is that the English variant may have a similar spread in Sweden as in several other European countries.

– We are likely to see that this guy will dominate, Byfors said further about the English variant of the virus.

Also read: Fighting the clock: Anders Tegnell worried about a new mutation

The sea

FHI: – The English variant of the virus is expected to be dominant before summer.



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