Coronavirus: – New infection record in Norway


In the last 24 hours, 1,156 corona infections have been recorded in Norway, according to the survey in MSIS. The number is 442 higher than the same day a week ago.

A total of 82,455 infected people have been registered, according to the Communicable Disease Notification System (MSIS).

More than 4 million tests performed

TESTS: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says it is approaching the breaking point of the TISK strategy in Oslo. Host: Ivan Larsson.

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So far just over 4.2 million corona tests have been performed in the country.

448,355 people have received the first dose of the corona vaccine and 257,405 people have received the second dose.

224 corona patients were hospitalized on Tuesday. There were three more than the day before.

Oppdal introduces urgent measures

Oppdal introduces urgent measures

A total of 641 corona-infected people have died in Norway since March 2020, preliminary figures show. It is not always possible to establish whether patients have died from or from COVID-19.

63.9 percent of all deaths have reached the age of 80. In the age group under 50 years, nine deaths have been reported in Norway.


The new infection record comes the day after measures in both Oslo and Viken were drastically tightened.

NEW MEASURES: Raymond Johansen presents the new measures for Oslo.
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On Monday night, the Oslo City Council announced new measures for the capital. The new measures were in addition to the already intrusive measures in Oslo.

Just hours after the tightening in Oslo, Health Minister Bent Høie also announced very strict measures throughout Viken County.

– We should probably expect continued high infection rates within a few days in Oslo and Viken, assistant health director Espen Nakstad told Dagbladet on Tuesday morning after a new infection record was set with 367 new infection cases. .

The number of infections in Oslo in the last 24 hours will be known on Wednesday morning.
