Coronavirus, Medicine / Health | FHI fears that different test patterns in the Christmas space may give a wrong picture


The picture of the actual infection situation in Norway may be incorrect due to the fact that the tests during Christmas are different, believes FHI.

27.12.20 23:31

12.27.20 23:43

– The test pattern is different. There are some red days and therefore reduced testing in some places, department director Line Vold at the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) tells TV 2.

Also Read: Solberg: Assess If A Stronger Testing Regimen Is Needed For Travelers

He also notes that people may have other reasons to challenge themselves during Christmas in space.

– Some may be tested for safety reasons because they are going to travel and visit someone. So this week’s results will not be comparable to the numbers from the previous weeks, Vold continues.

He also says he is concerned that there will be an increase in infection rates after the New Year. This is because we are with several people this Christmas and that many have traveled domestically in Norway, and from abroad to Norway.

(© NTB)

Also read: Solberg with a pessimistic message about a holiday abroad at Easter


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  • Coronavirus

  • Medicine / Health

  • Disease

  • Tests
