Coronavirus – Internal Rules: This applies now


The authorities introduced new national crown measures this week, at the same time that they announced various measures for the local level where there are outbreaks.

On Thursday, the government held a new press conference, with the aim of clarifying the crown’s advice after much uncertainty about how the rules should actually be interpreted.

From social media and newspapers, it is also clear that there is some uncertainty about which councils apply, where and why national and local councils are different, such as Oslo and national councils.

These are some of the crown rules that apply now, to stay indoors, whether at home or in public space.

Remember: national + local measures

First of all, it is important to remember this:

Is national advice that applies to everyone, and to them too local advice that applies to specific areas.

To get the latest and most up-to-date answers on what exactly applies to you where you live, you should keep up-to-date on the tips that apply in your municipality at all times.

If you travel to another municipality, you must also update yourself on any other measure in the municipality of work.

The authorities also specify this on their information page on new national measures:

“These are national measures that apply to everyone. Check your municipality’s website for local measures»

This is happening with prices now.

This is happening with prices now.

Bandage at home

NIPH has updated its recommendations on facial masks in the population. He states that they recommend facial masks at home.

This is in cases where people are in home isolation and applies to people who have been detected or are likely infected with covid-19. According to the new recommendations, they should use masks when they are closer to other members of the household than two meters, if their health allows it.

Alternatively, it is recommended that household members wear masks when they are closer to the infected person than two meters.

TIPS: In some parts of the country, wearing a mask is recommended on public transport when there is more traffic. How to sew yours! Seamstress: Mali Engesdal. Photo: Kirsti Østvang. Clip: Ingebjørg Iversen / Dinside Allowed for everyone.
see more

Public transport

The national council for the use of public transport is:

  • Avoid rush hour and stay at least 1 meter away.

Another of the national tips also applies here:

  • In areas with higher risk of infection where several of the cases are not due to known outbreaks or are imported cases, face masks may be recommended in situations where it is not possible to maintain at least 1 meter distance, such as in public transport.

The government has asked municipalities with local outbreaks to consider imposing bandages inside a public place.

In oslo For example, a precautionary measure has now been introduced:

  • Mandatory for bandages in public transport when you cannot keep one meter away.

Also, it is a requirement that people in quarantine must wear face masks in public transportation to the quarantine site.

In areas with little or no known infection, no general recommendations for mask use have been introduced, but Public Health Authorities emphasize that it is not advisable.

These should not use masks

These should not use masks

In a public place: shops, shopping centers, etc.

Now the same rule applies in public places as in public transport:

  • In areas with higher risk of infection where several of the cases are not due to known outbreaks or are import cases, face masks may be recommended in situations where it is not possible to maintain at least 1 meter distance, such as in public transport.

The government has asked municipalities with local outbreaks to consider imposing indoor bandages in public places (shops, shopping centers) where it is not possible to keep at least 1 meter distance, and in indoor restaurants for employees and guests in all the situations in which they do not sit. a table.

  • The Oslo municipality, for example, has introduced a mandate for indoor face masks where you can’t keep one meter away.
  • This applies in shops, in the common areas of shopping centers, in restaurants, in religious and philosophical houses and in venues for cultural, sports and leisure activities.
  • The obligation to wear a mask does not apply to those who are engaged in physical activity, nor to short passes by others.
This is how restaurant guests should keep their distance

This is how restaurant guests should keep their distance

In a restaurant, cafeteria and the like

These apply to restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs. national rules:

  • There must be at least 1 meter distance between guests outside the pond house.
  • There should be seating for all guests, alcohol table service, and contact information should be on file for those guests who agree (infection tracking).

Local rules may be more strict. Check your municipality.

For Oslo this applies:

  • Mandatory to wear a blindfold inside restaurants with alcohol service for visitors, when they cannot maintain a metro distance with other members of the household. The obligation to wear a mask for visitors does not apply to short-term passes by others. Employees must wear face masks when staying in areas that guests have access to. For restaurants that do not serve alcohol, the same rules apply as for masks in public places.

In bergen Are these local measures in effect now?

  • Guest list requirement in all restaurants, even non-alcoholic ones. Guests who do not want to identify themselves will be rejected.
  • Guests and staff are required to wear face masks when moving in the room, when the one meter distance requirement cannot be met.
Popular now!

Popular now!

Maximum number of guests at home

There has been a lot of debate surrounding this particular council, due to differences in local and national councils.

This is what the national councils say about social contact in private homes:

  • Recommendation of a maximum of five guests in addition to those who live together. If the guests are from the same household, there may be more than five.
  • Kindergarten children and elementary school children can be with their home group (“cohort”).

In addition, you must comply with the local measures where you are. In Oslo, for example, the following rule applies to social gatherings:

  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than 10 people in private homes.

Oslo municipality emphasizes this on its Facebook pages:

«Important clarification. There is a difference between national and local councils and rules. In Oslo, the 10 person maximum rule still applies in private meetings, both indoors and outdoors. And all participants must be able to maintain at least one meter of distance. This also applies to children and young people. Also if you want to have a Halloween party or children’s birthday where you invite children from the same class or kindergarten “.

Bergen has 10 people maximum, but there they ignore the number if the children are in the same cohort in school / kindergarten:

  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than 10 people. The number limit does not apply to children in the same cohort (group) in kindergarten or school. The maximum limit of ten people is mandatory. The government recommends that you only have five guests. However, if all the guests are from the same household, there may be several.
Empty shelves

Empty shelves

Maximum number of events

The new national measures that apply as of October 28 have the following changes and restrictions when it comes to events outside private homes:

  • Maximum 50 people in private meetings outside the home.
  • Other events can have an attendance of 200 people.
  • Maximum 600 people at outdoor events where everyone sits in fixed seats.

Here there may also be local rules that are different. Oslo has, for example, a smaller number for the number allowed in outdoor events:

  • Maximum 200 people at indoor events with fixed seats.
  • Maximum 200 people at outdoor events.

Bergen has a maximum number of 600 for outdoor events:

  • Prohibition of more than 50 participants in closed public events without a fixed seat. With a fixed seat, a national provision of a maximum of 200 participants applies. At outdoor events where the audience sits in fixed seats, up to 600 people can be present at the same time, divided into groups / cohorts of up to 200 people.