Coronavirus, infection control | The bleeding just started


The corona pandemic is far from over, we have only seen the beginning of its harmful effects.

This is a comment. It is the attitude of the writer that is expressed.

The situation of the crown in Norway is under control. Even in Fauske, which is currently a national hotspot, there are only 13 new cases of infection.

After increasing at the national level, the number of cases falls again. The measures that have been implemented appear to have worked well, without closing the country again or introducing far-reaching restrictions.

Also read: Only one in six will fly nationally for the rest of the year

Crown respect

There is little indication that it is necessary. The outbreaks appear to be primarily local, and despite some reports of panic in the media, the vast majority of Norwegians still seem to have great respect for the disease and follow infection control rules.

The little outbreaks we have had are exactly what we expected. Even I had thought that we would get even more tired of the restrictions as time went on.

Thus, there are many indications that the economic loss that the pandemic has inflicted on Norway has only just begun.

Few of us were created to live with strong restrictions on our freedom for long periods of time. The natural thing is to rebel or begin to be careless.

The latter has definitely happened. The first we have not seen or trace here at home, although it has become common in many other countries.

Nettavisen News Study: Stay up to date on corona news here

Trust Norway

It says something about the great trust that Norwegians have in our politicians, a trust that has been greatly gained during this crisis.

Another thing that we have also been aware of from the beginning, but which has become more and more obvious, is that it will be a long time before we can return to life as it was before March 2020.

From the beginning, this time was estimated to be the fall of 2021, and we are still there: so at least another year will pass before enough people have been vaccinated for the risk of infection to be acceptable.

Here you can read more posts by Stein Sneve.

Vaccination, optimism and pessimism

It will be a year of constant changes between optimism and pessimism, relaxation and restrictions. And even after the disease itself is forced to kneel, we will be far from finished with the crown.

This means that sometimes we have to accept a higher risk of infection and then toughen up if the effect is too negative.

With fewer than 300 deaths so far, most signs point to the virus’s aftermath being worse than the epidemic itself. Both for damage to health in other areas (postponed operations, mental problems, suicide) and for a damaged business that needs its vaccine.

And that vaccine is needed now, not in a year.

Fortunately, everything is in place and it is called money. If there is one thing Norway has enough of it is money, and there has been no shortage of crisis packages for the business community.

Read also: Critical situation of the crown in Denmark: – We do this to avoid a new closure

The next one arrives on Monday, and is especially aimed at tourist and cultural organizers. These are undoubtedly two of the industries most affected so far. Almost no one travels anymore and events with more than 200 spectators are still banned.

It will take time

There is little indication that it will change in the short term, we are probably also talking here of at least a year for something similar to normal is space.

The same will apply to much of the business community otherwise. Although Norway appears to have the epidemic under control, other countries are still setting new infection records. Countries to which we will sell our products and which will send their tourists here.

With fewer than 300 deaths so far, most indications are that the virus’s aftermath will be worse than the epidemic itself. Both for damage to health in other areas (postponed operations, mental problems, suicide) and for a damaged business that needs its vaccine.

Therefore, there are many indications that the economic loss that the pandemic has inflicted on Norway has only just begun.

Also read: Woman (26) “super-spreader” gathers to spread crown infection

We have managed to stop the worst bleeding, by using our oil fund, but even the best tourniquet should not be too tight: Norwegian companies cannot live off state bailout packages forever, sooner or later they must start earning their share . money.

Community openness

It requires that society be reopened. It requires us to restart going to concerts and traveling on vacation. And we can’t wait until fall 2021 to do this. So many of the people we are going to buy these services from will be gone, regardless of government support.

This means that sometimes we have to accept a higher risk of infection and then toughen up if the effect is too negative.

It will be a year of constant changes between optimism and pessimism, relaxation and restrictions.

You cannot drive by braking alone. Then you stay in the same place until the car rusts under you. You also need to be able to accelerate and save the brakes when the turn is too tight or the ground is too steep.

Also read: Infection and psychology

Gas and brake

We have already shown that we can do this, after a few weeks of increased contagion, the authorities hit the brakes and the curve fell again.

Hopefully this will make us realize that this epidemic is far from over. Yes, in many ways we have only seen the beginning of the harmful effects of it.

Realizing this is a first step in making the year-long journey we face as smooth and easy as possible.
