Coronavirus, Health professionals | Clear speech after new infection findings in large corona study:


– It is quite obvious that those who work with corona patients should be vaccinated, says the Corona study leader.

People who travel abroad, who travel collectively or are in contact with people infected with corona, test positive for COVID-19 more frequently, the study by Korona shows.

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Among other things, healthcare workers who work with COVID-19 patients test more frequently than other healthcare workers, preliminary results of the study show.

– We were hoping that healthcare workers weren’t as exposed, so this is not good, infection doctor Arne Søraas, who is the leader of the Corona study, tells NTB.

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You should get vaccinated

It refers to the debate over whether healthcare workers should be further ahead in the vaccine queue.

– It is quite obvious that those who work with corona patients should be vaccinated. That they are exposed to the risk of infection is clear from the research, he says.

The study also shows that some of those who use public transport are more exposed to the infection compared to others. The risk is one and a half to double.

Søraas notes, however, that the figures are from the beginning of the epidemic, before many of the measures were implemented.

Collective infection

Today, most people wear face masks on buses, trams, and railways in larger cities like Oslo. But the effect of this has yet to be measured.

– We are not done with this data. But we must assume that there is an infection in public transport, something else would be very surprising, says Søraas.

However, researchers have not found any infections in the grocery stores, even though they were kept open during the closure.


– We do not see any difference between those who walked often and those who walked rarely in the store. It’s a bit surprising, says Søraas.

The study also shows that those who use alcohol on their hands frequently are less likely to get sick.

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More than 150,000 Norwegians with and without COVID-19 are included in the Korona study. The goal is to find out how the virus spreads and what risk factors affect the course of the disease.

(© NTB)


Great summary: these stores have holiday sales
