Coronavirus, France | Here, the infection pressure is now higher in Europe:


Prime Minister Jean Castex warns his compatriots not to meet in private and says that everything possible must be done to avoid the closure of the country.

The coronavirus is now spreading rapidly in France and Prime Minister Jean Castex says that infection control measures may need to be tightened.

– The second wave is here, says Castex to the French chain France Info and underlines that it is no longer possible to relax.

He points out that the intensive care units of French hospitals are filling up with corona patients again and that infection alarms have been activated in nine cities, including Paris and Marseille.

Castex warns his compatriots not to meet in private and says that everything possible must be done to avoid the closure of the country.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Prime Minister Jean Castex is deeply concerned about the increasing number of coronary heart diseases in France

Prime Minister Jean Castex is deeply concerned about the increasing number of coronary heart diseases in France
Photo: Thierry Zoccolan (AFP)

This weekend, 43,000 new cases of infection were reported in France. So far, more than 730,000 have been diagnosed with the infection and the virus has claimed nearly 33,000 lives in the country.

Here the infection pressure is higher

Figures from the European Infection Control Agency ECDC show on Monday that the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, France and the United Kingdom top the list with the highest infection pressure (see table). France now has 293 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. In the UK, the number is 252.

In the Czech Republic the number is 492, in Belgium 402, in Holland 364 and in Spain 308.

Table: See infection rates and death rates for the covid-19 pandemic in Europe (cumulative and incidence).

New restrictions in Spain

The two northern regions of Spain, Catalonia and Navarra, warn of new restrictions in an attempt to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

As of Tuesday, a maximum of six people can meet in the same place in Navarra. Bars and restaurants must close by 10 p.m. and capacity will be limited to 30 percent. The 30 percent limit will also include movie theaters, theaters and libraries.

In Catalonia, the authorities encourage the use of home offices for the next 15 days. Universities are encouraged to teach online.

On Friday, the government declared a state of crisis in Madrid after the city became one of the places in Europe with the greatest spread of the infection.

Closed in England

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson will unveil new crowning measures on Monday afternoon in the face of the growing spread of the infection, especially in northern England. Liverpool is one of the cities that is preparing to close.

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NIGHTLIFE: Life and turmoil in Liverpool city center on Saturday before the liquor stops at 10. Now Liverpool, which is among the areas with the highest infection pressure, is preparing for new restrictions.
