Coronavirus, France | Here the infection pressure is higher in Europe now


Germany introduces stricter masking requirements and the early closure of nightclubs in the worst affected areas. Several cities in France are banned at night.

On Wednesday night, German Prime Minister Angela Merkel announced that there will be stricter mask orders and the early closure of nightclubs in areas with serious heart conditions.

In France, a national health crisis is declared and several cities are banned at night.

ECDC figures from the European Infection Control Agency show that the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Iceland now have the highest infection pressure of the EU and EEA countries, including the UK. In all these countries, the number of infection cases reported in the last 14 days exceeds 240 per 100,000 population. (See table of infection rates and number of deaths).

New infection record in Germany

In Germany, 6,638 new cases of infection were registered in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number in a day since the pandemic broke out.

The previous record for new cases in one day is March 28, when 6,294 cases were recorded, according to statistics from the Robert Koch Institute.

Today, German authorities are testing much more than six months ago, but the increase is worrying, with about 1,500 more new cases recorded on Thursday than the day before.

Germany has performed between 1.1 and 1.2 million tests per week since mid-August, and since then the number of positive tests has increased significantly, from 0.74 percent at the end of August to 2.48 percent per week from 5 to 5 11. October.

Also read: 53 cases of infection in Oslo in the last 24 hours

It tightens in 16 states

Merkel’s federal government and the authorities of the 16 states agree that there will be new restrictions in areas where the number of virus cases exceeds 35 per 100,000 inhabitants for seven days. In such cases, it is now recommended that bandages be ordered in public places and that nightclubs close earlier.

Mouthpieces are already mandatory in public transport and in stores since April.

Click the pic to enlarge.  ON WITH BINDERS: German Prime Minister Angela Merkel dons a bandage ahead of a press conference in Berlin on Wednesday.

ON WITH BUTTERBALL: German Prime Minister Angela Merkel puts on a bandage before a press conference in Berlin on Wednesday.
Photo: Stefanie Loos (AFP)

In addition, the number of people who can meet in one place will now be reduced. In areas with 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the border will now be 25 people in a public place and 15 people in private, writes

In areas where the number of corona cases now exceeds 50 per 100,000 residents for seven days, the limit will now be ten people in public and ten people from two households in private. Several German cities, including Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich, have had more than 50 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in recent days.

Curfew in French cities from Saturday

Several cities in France are banned at night as the country declares a new national health crisis. The capital, Paris, is among the cities that will have a curfew.

President Emmanuel Macron announced this Wednesday on live television that a curfew will be imposed in the French capital between 21 and 6 from Saturday. It is valid for the next four weeks.

There will also be a curfew in the country’s second largest city, Marseille, and other major cities such as Lyon, Lille, Rouen, and Toulouse. A total of nine cities with a total of 20 million inhabitants are covered.

At 9:00 p.m., all clubs must be closed and people must stay at home. Public transport continues to function normally, and a scheme will be established in which those who need to travel for work will receive proof of this.

People who break the curfew will be fined 135 euros.

– We have to act. We need to stop the spread of the virus, Macron said.

Click the pic to enlarge.  MUST CLOSE EARLY: Several cities in France, including Paris, will have a nightly curfew starting at 9pm as the country declares a new national health crisis.  The photo shows a bottle of disinfectant and a form for registering customers at a restaurant in Paris on Wednesday.

MUST CLOSE EARLY: Several cities in France, including Paris, will have a nightly curfew starting at 9pm as the country declares a new national health crisis. The photo shows a bottle of disinfectant and a form for registering customers at a restaurant in Paris on Wednesday.
Photo: Thomas Coex (AFP)

The worst of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is currently the country with the highest level of infection in Europe, with up to 581 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days (as of October 14). Schools are closing here too, after 4,500 teachers and staff were infected.

In Poland, the daily number of deaths from corona on Wednesday surpassed 100 for the first time since early spring. In Poland, a new coronary restriction will be introduced starting Thursday, in the form of grocery stores and pharmacies that are reserved for the elderly for two hours in the middle of the day.

Switzerland and Austria approved new infection records on Wednesday, in the old country the 2,823 new cases doubled from the previous day. The Swiss authorities have called an emergency meeting between representatives of the 26 cantons on Thursday.

Tegnell: – Many countries have a rapid negative development

Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is among those who have emphasized that the Covid-19 pandemic is not over.

– We saw a strong increase in the EU last week, and it seems to be continuing. Many countries have a rapid negative development, he noted on Tuesday, at the same time that the number of confirmed cases of infection in Sweden surpassed 100,000.

Sweden is also experiencing an increase in infection rates, but not as fast as in other countries. On Thursday at 2 pm, the Swedish Public Health Agency will present new figures on the development of the infection in Sweden.

– It may seem that we are approaching the number of infected we had this spring, but that is certainly not correct. This spring we had a limited opportunity to test. Now we sample three or four times more, so it’s not comparable, Tegnell stressed Tuesday, saying the number of intensive care units is a better measure of development. Here the number is completely different, completely different from this spring.
