Coronavirus, Espen Nakstad | Espen Nakstad on the crowning figures for Europe:


Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad is concerned about the development of the crown in several European countries: – Infection rates are increasing more and more week after week, he says.

OSLO (Nettavisen): infection rates in several European countries are increasing rapidly. In countries like the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Belgium, the number of new infection cases has already increased by more than 10 percent this week.

In the Czech Republic, the increase is 18.9 percent, according to Nettavisen calculations with figures from the European Infection Control Agency ECDC.

– It gives cause for concern

At the same time, hospitals in many countries are also noticing an increase in corona patients.

– It is of concern that several countries with rising infection rates are now noticing a higher burden on hospitals, including intensive care units, Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad tells Nettavisen.

It signals a so-called exponential increase in infection in many countries.

– That is, it increases more and more week by week. Although the real pressure of infection is not as great as in March because there are now many more people testing, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom are now at a higher level of the infection registry than in March .

Regarding the situation in Norway, Nakstad has said that we are still in control here, but that the risk is higher than a few weeks ago.

– What do the figures now tell us about hospital admissions and intensive care admissions in countries like Belgium, France, Great Britain, Holland, Germany?

– In several of the capitals of these countries, it is reported that intensive care units are filled with patients with covid-19, and that the proportion is increasing day by day. This is probably the main reason why France declared a “national health crisis” yesterday and introduced strict measures. You just don’t want to be in the same situation you were in early March and April, Nakstad says.

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Norway: 1,044 new cases last week

In Norway, the spread of the infection is still at a relatively low level in the general population, according to the National Institute of Public Health. The spread of infection has increased since the end of August (716 to 814 weekly cases in weeks 37 to 40). Last week, 1,044 cases were reported, according to the weekly report that came out Wednesday.

The increase in the past week may be primarily related to the persistent spread of the infection in Oslo, an increase in Viken and Vestland, and several major and minor outbreaks across the country.

In recent weeks, most younger people with a low risk of a severe course have become infected. There is still a low incidence of serious outcomes.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  DISCOVERY OF VARIOUS INFECTION CASES: - Our models show that in March and April we discovered 10 percent of the infection figures here in Norway.  Now we find out 50-60 percent.  This makes it difficult to compare the size of the infection wave from time to time, director Frode Forland tells Nettavisen.

DISCOVER MORE INFECTION CASES: – Our models show that in March and April we discovered 10 percent of the infection figures here in Norway. Now we find out 50-60 percent. This makes it difficult to compare the size of the infection wave from time to time, director Frode Forland tells Nettavisen.
Photo: (NTB scanpix)

Trying so much more now

Far more people are now tested weekly than in March / April. Thus, a greater proportion of those infected are detected, including those with mild symptoms.

– Our model shows that in March and April we discovered 10 percent of the infection rates here in Norway. Now we find out 50-60 percent. This makes it difficult to compare the size of the infection wave from time to time. If we multiply the infection figures for March and April by 5, then we can get a more accurate picture, says Director Frode Forland of the National Institute of Public Health to Nettavisen.

Also read: Here the infection pressure is higher in Europe now: several countries are introducing new restrictions

Forland notes that the rate of positive tests is also increasing in Norway now, but not as much as in some European countries, where in some places there is a sharp increase in the rate of positive tests.

– In countries such as the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Spain, the positive test rate exceeds 10 percent. We are also seeing a clear increase in hospital admissions and the use of intensive care units in these countries. The situation is worrying in several European countries, where efforts are now being made to reduce the spread of the infection with tough measures. We see that we have a long way to go and that we have more control in Norway. Our strategy going forward will be to cut the infection, actively monitor the infection, and go to great lengths to combat local outbreaks, Forland says.

(Espen Nakstad’s response is given in an email to Nettavisen).
