Coronavirus, Doctor | More than 70 doctors have resigned in the emergency room in Asker and Bærum over the weekend


More than 20 doctors have resigned since Friday.

The case is being updated.

On Friday it emerged that around 50 doctors resigned from their jobs in Asker and Bærum emergency services following a breakdown in salary negotiations. Over the weekend, more than 20 more doctors did the same, Budstikka reports.

Doctors have filed the layoffs because they believe they are underpaid during the corona pandemic.

Read more: 50 doctors have resigned in protest

After the breakdown of negotiations on Friday, the municipal director of health and social services, Grete Syrdal, said that the municipality had presented a “very good” offer on Friday afternoon. However, the doctors disagreed.

– As it is now, we are not paid if we get sick. The settlement presented to us had not provided sufficient security. We believe that the demands we have made are reasonable, the chief union delegate for doctors, Germar Schneider, told Budstikka on Friday.

Dispute over sickness benefits

The dispute will be primarily over sickness benefits related to the ongoing corona pandemic.

Doctors believe that they are not sufficiently well insured financially in case of infection and demand a new temporary salary agreement adapted to the risk of coronary heart disease.

– As it is now, we are not paid if we get sick. The settlement presented to us had not provided sufficient security. We believe the demands we have made are reasonable, says Schneider, who believes that a similar layoff has never occurred before in the Asker and Bærum emergency room.


The doctors who have broken with the municipality are autonomous doctors who are paid according to the number of patients they serve. At the start of the pandemic, they switched to another salary deal to make up for patient attrition, which was close to 30 percent.

But the agreement does not provide compensation in the event of illness, which is at the core of the ongoing conflict.

As a self-employed person, emergency physicians do not have the right to strike. Therefore, they regard firing as the only means after negotiations broke down, Budstikka writes.


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