Coronavirus – Demonstrates: – No more deadly than the flu


Sunday at 2 pm a demonstration against the country’s coronary restrictions has been announced outside the Storting.

The demonstration is called “Demonstration against the government’s handling of covid-19”.

The event is divided into several different groups on social media. Their message about the pandemic varies, but what they have in common is that they believe that the authorities’ measures against the spread of the coronavirus are too strict.

On Saturday night, more than 250 have announced that they will participate in the rally, while more than 760 have marked because they are interested.

In other countries, similar demonstrations have gathered tens of thousands of participants, including in London and Berlin.

Criticized Tegnell - escaped from Sweden

Criticized Tegnell – escaped from Sweden

Demonstrate against the measures

The man who is the organizer of the rally, Nader Eide, refers to information on the event’s Facebook page about Dagbladet’s questions about the background to the rally taking place.

Says the following:

“We believe that the state management of covid-19 is incorrect. Based on existing statistics, we believe that there is not enough scientific evidence of the measures that the State has imposed on the population. We want to point out incorrect information that the population has been treated through the media that is clearly used by the government in a political game. “

For Dagbladet, Eide adds the following comment on today’s demo:

– It’s a protest against the measures. We think they are too strict and unnecessary. They are not proportional to the danger posed by the virus.

ORGANIZER: Nader Eide is the organizer of Sunday’s demonstration outside the Storting. Photo: Private
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– Irrelevant education

– How many do you expect to attend the demonstration?

– We can expect about a thousand, but we expect several thousand.

– Do you think the pandemic is a hoax?

– I am not saying that there are no viruses, but that this virus is not more deadly than the flu. In this way, I believe that the pandemic is a hoax. Mortality does not justify the measures that have been implemented.

In its October 9 risk assessment, FHI writes that the risk of dying from COVID-19 infection is estimated at 0.31 percent. This means that three people are supposed to die for every 1000 people infected with the coronavirus in Norway.

MAIN PROTESTS: Australian police arrested 74 people in connection with the demonstrations against the crown measures in Melbourne, Australia. Video: NTB
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The director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Camilla Stoltenberg, told VG on the same day that this figure is three times higher than the corresponding uncertain estimate for the flu, noting that the number of deaths during the 2017/2018 flu season it was estimated at 1,400 people in Norway.

– What kind of experience do you have? Are you educated in medicine?

– The type of experience I have is completely irrelevant. I don’t need to be a doctor to understand what I read, Eide tells Dagbladet.

The activist does not want to enter his personal opinion on the Dagbladet pandemic. asked Eide the following questions earlier this week:

– Why have you published on social networks where you say that the pandemic is a hoax and that the masks do not work?

Drastic decrease in stroke patients

Drastic decrease in stroke patients

– It’s pretty simple. If you look at what the masks were made for, what was the purpose and composition of the masks. Then you will see that the masks do not work. They are designed to stop bacterial infections, not viruses. Bacteria are many times larger than viruses, Eide replied.

Real. he writes no more that Eide did not want him to answer why he had called the pandemic a bluff and a planned pandemic. He must have pointed out that others would just call it conspiracy theories.

Not only

Several Norwegian doctors have signed a petition calling for the free spread of the coronavirus among healthy young people.

The so-called “Great Barrington Declaration” advocates building herd immunity by allowing the virus to spread freely, while people in the risk group are isolated indoors, writes NRK.

WARNING: Health Minister Bent Høie warns against releasing the infection. Photo: NTB
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More than 500,000 people have signed the petition. Among them are 28,400 physicians and 10,300 medical and public health researchers. Sørlandet Hospital physician and radiologist Per Mathisen, former editor Charlotte Haug of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association and former chief physician Dagfinn Haarr in Kristiansand municipality are among those who signed.

Similar demonstrations, which will take place in Oslo on Sunday, have been held in several cities in recent months.

IN DENMARK: On August 29, a demonstration against the crown’s measures was held outside Christiansborg, Denmark. It took place on the same day as similar demonstrations in other European countries. Photograph: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP / NTB
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A similar demonstration was held in London on Saturday. Several thousand people gathered to protest against the British government’s measures to curb the coronavirus.

The protesters began in Hyde Park and marched towards Trafalgar Square, where the police stopped the march as a result of violations of infection control regulations.

According to The Guardian, at least three people were arrested.

– invention

The protesters carried banners demanding the end of the bandage and described the measures of the authorities as tyranny and vigilance. Some called the entire pandemic an invention, NTB reports.

In Berlin there have been several similar demonstrations.

Warns: - Equally dangerous

Warns: – Equally dangerous

During the August 29 demonstration, several of the participants appeared with American, Russian and German flags, while others wore T-shirts marked with “Q”, the symbol of the Querdenken 711 movement, which has its origins in Stuttgart, writes NTB.

“Want to think” means “to think outside the box.”

During a similar rally four weeks earlier, neo-Nazis, far-right, far-left, vaccine opponents and those who believe the corona pandemic is a conspiracy were reported among participants in the German capital, according to NTB.

SEDAN: Large demonstrations against coronary restrictions have been held on several occasions in Berlin. Here since August 29. Photograph: John Macdougall / AFP / NTB Scanpix
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The critic commented.

During a press conference earlier this week, Health Minister Bent Høie commented on opposition to the measures and called for the “Great Barrington Declaration.”

He stressed that he welcomed the discussion on the strategy, but at the same time warned about the strategy of letting the virus spread freely.

– The virus is as dangerous as before. The number of hospital admissions is increasing in many countries. The infection has spread from the young to the old. City after city introduces curfew. Country after country declares a health crisis. We are not there, and I hope we do not get there, was one of those Høie said during the press conference.

– Releasing the virus and at the same time protecting the risk group would be demanding. The risk of not succeeding would be too great, he added.
