Coronavirus, covid-19 | Three London planes landed in Oslo on Sunday


There were no demands from the Norwegian authorities for testing, but the passengers complied with this.

Several countries are closing for UK travelers. The leader of the Oslo city council and the leader of FRP ask the Norwegian authorities to do the same. On Sunday, three planes landed at Oslo airport from London, one of the most contagious places in the country.

Norway has not yet made a decision on whether or not the borders will be closed, the press officer at the Ministry of Health and Care Services told Nettavisen at 8pm on Sunday night.

– Bent Høie previously stated that an assignment has been assigned to the Norwegian Health Directorate, and then they will give advice, and then the authorities will make a decision based on that, says the press contact.

Read more: Country after country closes the door to Great Britain

These are the planes that arrived at Oslo airport on Sunday:

  • 2:31 PM: London Stansted (Ryanair, FR1394)
  • 15:41: London Heathrow (British Airways, BA766)
  • 18:18: London Heathrow (SAS, SK806)

In addition, a flight to Stavanger Airport from Aberdeen arrived at 9:25 PM, and a flight from Aberdeen to Bergen Airport at 6:50 PM.

On Monday, three flights are expected from the UK to Norway, two in Gardermoen and in Stavanger.

Only test requests on arrival, but …

Early Sunday it became clear that the Norwegian Health Directorate is asking everyone coming to Norway from the UK to get tested on arrival. As long as you can reference a negative test that is less than 72 hours old, there is no need to retest upon arrival.

The Director of Communications for the Norwegian Health Directorate, Trine Melgård, informs Nettavisen that these are the measures that have been taken so far and that they are valid:

– SMS have been sent with a strong request that people arriving from the UK should be tested. The personnel on board the planes on their way to Norway have briefed passengers on the tests. We have geosegmented information through Facebook for Norwegians who are in the UK.

… everyone must report a negative test with less than 72 hours

– All arrivals from the UK must, in any case, refer to a negative covid-19 test that is less than 72 hours old, and all people arriving in Norway must be quarantined for 10 days.

– We have also had contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which in turn has provided information on its channels to, among others, the embassies in Oslo and London. The municipalities with test centers have been informed of the call for tests. Otherwise everyone can find up-to-date information at

– The Norwegian Health Directorate, on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Care Services and together with the NIPH, today recommended new measures on quarantine, testing and tightening of the quarantine exemption rules for UK travelers.

The sea

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Passengers blocked at the test station

Although there is no requirement, several people that TV 2 has spoken with experienced that it was not voluntary to be tested and there were long lines at the test station.

– We experienced that we had no other choice. They locked us up straight from the plane, ten past ten, to the test station. We were not informed that this was voluntary, says a passenger to the channel.

The Norwegian Health Directorate has no comment on the fact that people felt it was not voluntary to get tested. They inform Nettavisen that it is the municipality of Ullensaker that must take care of it.

Testing center director Yvonne Adolfsen tells TV 2 that they received an email from the Norwegian Directorate of Health “strongly recommending” that everyone in London get tested. Then, border control has been in charge of locking people in the test station.

Also read: EU member states are urgently summoned to a video meeting on the new variant of the virus

Call on the Norwegian authorities to close

On Sunday evening, Oslo City Council Leader Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) came out on his own Facebook page calling on the government to close the border for UK travelers.

– The import infection now dominates almost completely in Norway. At the same time, a virus mutation is now reported to be loose in the UK and 70 per cent more contagious. I don’t want it for Norway! The government must now take steps to ensure us, he writes on Facebook.

The party leader in the Labor Party, Jonas Gahr Støre, also signs up:

– Expect the government to be clear about the rules in the face of a possible new UK import infection. Two flights are expected on Monday. We have proposed mandatory tests at the border. Other countries close the borders to enter. Effective measures must be clear and communicated before the plane takes off, he writes on Twitter.

Both the FRP and the Labor Party believe that the government must now hurry up and introduce mandatory testing at the borders to prevent the variant of the mutated virus from reaching Norway.

Watch video: Norwegian Health Summit with a message for all vaccine skeptics:

– Everyone who crosses the border must be tested when they come to Norway. This will not only reduce the likelihood of new cases of infection in Norway, but we will also get a better overview of the source of the infection, so that we can work more determinedly on prevention, says the party leader in Frp, Siv Jensen to NTB.

Labor Party health policy spokesperson Ingvild Kjerkol told NTB that there is also a need to tighten quarantine provisions.

– Now the government should put aside prestige. With news from the UK tonight about a new mutated virus, it is an even bigger mystery that the right-wing government has refused to introduce mandatory tests on arrival from abroad, Kjerkol told NTB.


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