Coronavirus, covid-19 | The police ended the party with 30 participants


All are reported for infractions of municipal regulations.

The eastern police district ended a party with 30 participants on Friday night in Finstadjordet in Lørenskog municipality, they reported on Twitter.

All participants are denounced for infractions of municipal regulations against the crown.

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– We received advice from someone who had seen a party taking place there. It was no coincidence that we showed up, COO Finn Håvard Aas informs Romerikes Blad (for subscribers).

According to the newspaper, it should not be a youth party.

In the municipality of Lørenskog, it is forbidden to have private meetings with more than ten participants, or where a distance of one meter cannot be observed.

Even if the number of participants is ten or less, it is only allowed to organize or participate in private meetings that are dimensioned so that a distance of one meter can be maintained.

The prohibition does not apply to private gatherings where everyone present is from the same household.

In a previous press release, the Eastern Police District writes that cases involving violations of infection control provisions are settled with fines of up to NOK 20,000 per case. The fines will be increased in the event of repeated non-compliance or other aggravating circumstances. In particularly serious or repeated cases, imprisonment may also be relevant.

Read more: Infection is on the rise among teens: expert committee skeptical about school closures


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