Coronavirus, covid-19 | NIPH Will Have Massive Crown Measures Targeting Immigrants


It will test schools, shopping malls, and workplaces to reach immigrants.

– People with a country of birth outside of Norway are and have long been over-represented in proven infections and hospitalizations. There is a big difference between the different groups of immigrants. In accumulated figures, some groups have a level of infection and hospitalization up to seven times higher than that of the general population.

FHI writes this in its new risk report that was released Monday.

Now they want to take meaningful steps to direct efforts against immigrants.

Also read: NIPH: Corona mortality in Norway has been 0.12 percent since summer

Very high proportion of positive results

One of the biggest concerns is that immigrants seem to prove themselves far less than other people.

– In the period from week 29 to week 47, the proportion of people who tested positive is approximately 1.2% among those born in Norway, while it is significantly higher among those born outside Norway (3 , 8%). For some groups, the proportion of positive test results is very high (Pakistan 11%, Somalia 10%, Eritrea 9%, Iraq 8%, Turkey 8%, Afghanistan 7%). This gives good reason to introduce measures that can get more people in these groups to test themselves, writes FHI in its latest risk report.

They are also concerned about internal infection in workplaces with many visiting workers.

– We have seen several examples of new infections in co-workers living in barracks or other accommodation for foreign workers with regular work stays in Norway. Although they have private rooms, they have a shared kitchen and bathroom, and it is difficult to avoid some social interaction between people.

Lead efforts against immigrants

Therefore, FHI now proposes a series of practical measures:

  • Reduce practical barriers to testing. Reading, computer and language skills requiredand, in some places, also the birth number to request the proof. In many places, you are supposed to arrive at the test site in your own car. More test options available like Walk-in testing stations, outpatient testing and multi-language ordering options.
  • Reduce real or perceived economic barriers against testing and quarantine. Examples are:
    ** Clear information that the test is free
    ** Financial compensation for people who have not accumulated social security rights. Employees on temporary or short-term contracts are particularly vulnerable. A temporary regime with the right to self-declaration and sick leave from the first working day should be considered.
    ** Clear information about what financial support and rights that are available, such as extended days of the sick child, the possibility of sick leave even in the case of mild symptoms similar to those of the covid.
  • Specific and prioritized use of rapid testsFor example, to municipalities and districts with a high proportion of immigrants, and to vulnerable people without digital access or opportunities for follow-up. This includes undocumented immigrants, people without residence and without social security numbers.
  • Alternative test strategies. May be relevant with massive testing in large workplaces with a high proportion of workers with a country of birth outside of Norway, in shopping malls in high infection areas or tests in schools as a gateway to new tests in the family of the infected
  • Targeted campaigns to increase the degree of proof. There may be information campaigns that reach the relevant target groups, such as increased use of videos with people from the settings, and the campaigns should also convey what symptoms and degree of disease trigger the test.
  • Systematic mapping of organizations, specialists and health personnel from different countries, as well as workplaces with a large proportion of working immigrants. Municipalities that do not yet have it must:
    ** Get an overview of voluntary organizations, congregations and specialists with linguistic and cultural competence who can mobilize to increase the degree of testing and other preventive work
    ** Get an overview of industries and businesses with many migrant workers and consider how they can be involved and accomplished in infection control work or for mass testing
  • Voluntary organizations that have received funding should focus their activity more towards lower barriers to testing in different parts of the immigrant population.
  • Should be reconsidered Quarantine hotels should replace barrack platforms as a place of quarantine for foreign workers on temporary stays at the same time as a good trial offer must be guaranteed.

Also read: NIPH: If you are taking the corona vaccine, you can print your own vaccination certificate


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