Coronavirus, covid-19 | – Clean the air and disinfect the entire White House as soon as Trump moves in


All furniture, door handles, railings and light switches are disinfected before Joe Biden sets foot in the White House.

On January 20, Joe Biden takes office as the 46th President of the United States. This means that President Donald Trump must move out and leave the White House to his successor.

Politico writes that Biden’s transition team has plans to disinfect surfaces and clean the air inside the building just after Trump moves in and before Biden moves in.

The White House has been hit by several corona breakouts among staff and senior officials in recent months.

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The General Services Administration, which is responsible for assisting with the transition process, is responsible for disinfecting all surfaces in the east wing and west wing that may have been affected by humans.

This is confirmed by a spokesman for the General Services Administration of Politico. It includes a thorough washing and sanitizing of all furniture, door handles, railings and light switches before Biden sets foot in the White House.

Studies show that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for several days. Also, the air must be cleaned to remove droplets.

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Tighter application of infection control

Additionally, infection control measures, such as social distancing and the use of bandages, are likely to be enforced much more strictly in the White House when Biden occupies the building, than is the practice at this time.

– It will be the complete opposite of what we see now, says Nicole Lurie, who is one of Biden’s covid advisers.

– I think the social punishment for not wearing a mask will be enormous. Instead of people being ridiculed for wearing masks, they would rather be pushed in the other direction. It will be difficult to attend a meeting without taking precautions like masking and distancing, says Lurie, who previously worked in public health and emergency preparedness under the Obama administration.

Biden’s campaign has been adamant about infection control rules during the election campaign and in the transition process. It includes the extensive use of face masks, social distancing, and frequent staff testing. So far it has worked, and hardly anyone in the circle around Biden has been infected with the coronavirus, according to Politico.

The Biden campaign has always made sure that there are small crowds at all election campaign related events. In addition, many infection control measures have been implemented.

Many infected in the White House

However, President Trump has been far more careless and has organized large campaign meetings and companies where infection control has not been enforced.

Both the president and first lady Melania Trump, as well as their son Barron, were diagnosed with the infection earlier this fall. President Trump was also hospitalized for a short period. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Hope Hicks’ advisor, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and spokesperson Stephen Miller are among other staff members who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Two White House cleaners were also infected, writes the New York Intelligencer, which has an overview of the number of infected in the White House.

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According to an internal government memo, 34 staff members and other associated contacts were infected within a few days in early October, ABC News reported at the time.

This same week, it also emerged that the president’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was infected and hospitalized. He was discharged after a short stay.

About 300,000 people have died from corona in the United States. By some estimates, this number could rise to 362,000 deaths by January 2, The Hill writes.


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