Coronavirus: – Corona quarantined in Oslo prison


– It was an employee who was diagnosed with an infection this weekend and therefore the department is under quarantine. It involves 17 to 18 inmates and six employees, says regional director Stig Storvik at Dagbladet’s Prison and Probation Service.

It says they calculate the quarantine for ten days from the last time the employee was at work, which was September 9.

– All inmates have been tested and all tested negative. Therefore, we have not detected any infections so far, says Storvik.

He adds that they will run another test round, just in case.

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– How does quarantine work in practice?

– They are not completely excluded from the community, but we prevent them from interacting with other inmates so that they are not in danger of infecting them. When it comes to outings and visits, we do individual evaluations, says the regional director.

He says that the affected wing is completely separated from the rest of the Oslo prison wings.

– Makes it easier to handle, says and adds:

– We work closely with the prison health department and the district superintendent, and we feel we have control over this situation.
